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Back pain at 60, what to do and what not to do

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Back pain at 60, what to do and what not to do

The sore back it is a widespread pain and has costs remarkable. Depending on the part of the colonna vertebral area involved, we speak of cervicalgia (the pain is in the neck area), back pain (if it concerns the dorsal tract) and low back pain (the pain is localized in the lower back).

Very important is the preventionbut if the problem arises, it is essential to understand it cause in order to be able to act in a targeted manner. Here is what, in general, it is advisable not to do in the event of the onset of the disorder and what, conversely, it is advisable to do.

What not to do if you have back pain

To neglect the problem or resort to do-it-yourself

Adequate care starts from knowing the cause that triggered the pain. Knowing what your condition is is also essential for not make it worse.
Do-it-yourself in a broad sense should be avoided, both as regards the possible hiring of drugs both in terms of any sports to be undertaken.

Seek medical advice

I reports contain terms which, although they are appropriate from a scientific medical point of view, are unknown, or nearly so, to the average man and for this very reason they can arouse fear. Before panicking and thinking the worst, you have to wait explanations who is competent. Very often words whose meaning is unknown seem to describe situations much worse than those real.

Do not check thediet and your weight

The greater the weight that the spine has to support, the greater the effort it makes. So watch out for balance and to the extra kilos and therefore to the diet. A feed very much and balanced is always an ally of health.

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Charging of excessive weights

With back pain, avoid carrying too heavy objects, to lift heavy weights, including picking up i childrenload up with backpacks and bags that look more like bricks than containers.

Be sedentary or practice one sport inadequate

Movement is good, but it has to be the right one. L’activity physical, which is generally allied to health, in certain cases it can even result harmful. Those with back pain cannot improvise, but must be advised by specialists which exercises are suitable. In short, those who are passionate about motocross are better off leaving the bike parked and dedicating themselves to something else.

What to do if you have back pain

Contact the medico

The point of reference must always be the professional who can prescribe tests and therapy details. To cure yourself, you need to understand the cause of the problem. It is clear that a muscle contracture is very different from, for example, a herniated disc.

Strengthen the musculature

The muscles, especially the abdominal muscles eh backbones, help to support the spine and to assume a correct position. For this it is necessary to reinforce them. Always subject to the opinion of the professional, the physiotherapy and regular exercise. In general, swimming, cycling, the pilatesyoga and postural gymnastics.

Keep one posture correct

The time to just sit around is over (although it should never have begun). Seats ergonomic, computer risers, desks large enough to rest your forearms on can help. Just as it is useful, for those who do a sedentary job, get up occasionally from the chair.

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