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Blame the mold in the house

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Blame the mold in the house

The terrible experience of a 37 year old Australian: “I had to fill out a form and stared at it without being able to write my name because I did not remember it”.

“My brain and body were fine, but two months after moving into the new home I started not remembering things anymore until I forget even my name “, thus an Australian woman recounted the beginning of her ordeal that led her to dozens of medical visits and finally to a Alzheimer’s diagnosis at only 37 years old.

At the base of everything there would be a mold infestation in his home of Sydney that she was not aware of and which would gradually impact her body to serious consequences.

According to her account at news.com.au, 37-year-old Amie Skilton began to suffer from allergies never had before and symptoms such as severe and perennial fatigue, then suddenly she put on 10 kg of weight and finally started having memory problems.

Segregated at home for 17 years with her two children, her husband told her: “You will only come out dead”

In fact, Amie Skilton is part of the 25% of the population that has a genetic vulnerability to mold toxins, which means that exposure to mold triggers a huge inflammatory response in her body and can even cause organ damage, but she was unaware of it until she stumbled upon the terrible experience.

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It all started when Ms. Skilton moved into the apartment with her current husband. “The first symptom I noticed was allergies,” she explained then had difficulty concentrating and working and finally real amnesia.

“One day I went to fill out a form and stared at it unable to write my name because I did not remember it“said the woman, describing the horror of forgetting something so” deeply personal “.

Finally she was referred by a neurologist who diagnosed her with Alzheimer’s disease type three. Her reasons, however, remained unknown until she read an online post from one of her friends in which the woman explained how her husband had this vulnerability to the mold she discovered in her home.

So the 37-year-old called in an expert and found that there was extensive water penetration in their home resulting in mold under the upholstery. “The carpet looked absolutely fine on top, but when she lifted it there was all this black mold. When we finally removed the carpet, it was green underneath “revealed the woman who now, after he left the house, he recovered his health and he no longer suffers any of the horrible symptoms he was experiencing.

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