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Burnout test: Calculate your personal risk with 23 questions

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Burnout test: Calculate your personal risk with 23 questions

Nothing works anymore: Anyone who is completely exhausted physically, emotionally and mentally may be suffering from burnout (also known as burnout).

According to the health portal Gesund.bund.de, which is published by the Federal Ministry of Health, typical complaints include:

Exhaustion: People with burnout feel depressed, tired and lacking energy, drained and emotionally exhausted. But they also have physical complaints such as gastrointestinal problems and pain.
Alienation from (professional) activity: Daily work is perceived as stressful and frustrating. You react to your tasks, working conditions and also to colleagues with increasing emotional distance and numbness.
Reduced performance: Burnout primarily affects everyday performance at work, at home or when caring for relatives. Those who suffer from burnout perform their tasks without concentration and without enthusiasm, perceive them as very negative and report that they lack ideas and motivation.

Debate about burnout definition: It’s not just excessive workload that triggers it

Burnout was recognized as a disease by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the first time in 2022. With the decision, the experts present a definition in which they attribute the phenomenon to “chronic stress at work that is not successfully dealt with”.

This is criticized by some experts, who emphasize that excessive workload is not the only trigger. Overwhelming living conditions in your private life could also be a major burden. The experts also write on Gesund.bund.de: “The symptoms are a reaction to constant overload in private or professional areas.”

Am I at risk? Research team develops test that determines burnout risk

A Belgian team of researchers from KU Leuven has also developed two versions of their Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT) – one for working people and one for people who are not currently working. Below you will find the burnout test in a professional context (you can find the second version here).

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“It is a scientifically validated questionnaire that can be used to determine the risk of burnout at a glance,” write the researchers. The test is the result of a three-year research project.

Burnout test for working people

The following statements relate to your work situation and how you experience it:

I feel mentally exhausted. Everything I do is very tiring. At the end of the day I find it difficult to regain my energy. I feel physically exhausted. When I get up in the morning, I don’t have the energy to start a new day at work. I want to be active, but somehow I can’t do it. If I exert myself, I get tired quickly. At the end of my day I feel mentally exhausted and drained. I find it difficult to find enthusiasm for my work. When I’m working, I don’t think much about what I’m doing; I work on autopilot. I feel a strong dislike for my work. I feel indifferent towards my work. I am cynical about what my work means to others. I’m having trouble concentrating. I’m having a hard time thinking clearly. I’m forgetful and unfocused. I’m having trouble concentrating. I make mistakes because my mind is somewhere else. I feel unable to control my emotions. I don’t recognize myself in the way I react emotionally. I get irritable when things don’t go my way. I get angry or sad without knowing why. I also unintentionally overreact.

The possible answers are:

never (1 point) rarely (2 points) sometimes (3 points) often (4 points) always (5 points)

How to calculate your risk of burnout

Add the score, divide by the number of questions (23) and round to two decimal places. According to the scientists, the risk of burnout can then be differentiated based on clinical limit values ​​using the traffic light model:

To do this, the scientists analyzed data from the Flemish region of Belgium (Flanders).

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Tip: You can also take the job-related test online (the questions are in English). The result is then calculated for you and broken down according to your personal general risk of burnout as well as cognitive impairment, mental distance, emotional impairment and exhaustion. You can also see the value in a country comparison with data from over 10,000 test subjects from Belgium, Finland, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands, Austria and Japan.

Warning against self-diagnosis: Testing does not replace a visit to the doctor!

“Of course, a burnout diagnosis cannot be made solely on the basis of the BAT or another burnout self-report questionnaire,” emphasize the scientists in a manual. The test cannot replace a trained specialist. In addition, the BAT only measures burnout complaints, but not the causes or consequences of burnout.

It is also sometimes difficult to differentiate burnout symptoms from symptoms of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety or chronic fatigue syndrome. It is therefore important to think about these illnesses or to take problems seriously and speak to a specialist.

I feel “burned out” – this helps

In general, it is important to build enough moments of relaxation and recovery into your everyday life. For example, integrate breaks, walks and conscious breathing into your day. Sports and hobbies can also help reduce negative feelings. Social contacts and exchange are also important.

If breaks and longer periods of relaxation, such as on vacation, do not bring relaxation, you should seek professional help.

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