Home » Celebrate children’s birthdays in summer with these inexpensive ideas

Celebrate children’s birthdays in summer with these inexpensive ideas

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Celebrate children’s birthdays in summer with these inexpensive ideas

Summer birthdays are so fun and playful! And if it’s a children’s birthday party in the summer, then there are plenty of opportunities for outdoor play! Colorful parties with children’s games are fun and, weather permitting, there are many things to do to keep the kids entertained. You can host your summer kids birthday party at home or at a local park. This keeps costs down and offers opportunities for different types of fun. We offer some fun summer birthday ideas for kids that don’t involve a lot of money because this is all about having fun. Bring all the fun under the sun with these great summer kids birthday party ideas!

Water games for children’s birthday parties in summer

Children love to play with water. You can easily host a water fight party at home.

Everything you need:

Collect as many water toys, super soakers, buckets, plastic bottles and water balloons as possible. Such a summer party for children’s birthday guarantees hours of fun and is suitable for all ages. However, children over the age of 5 would have the most fun. Spare clothing is recommended.

What can you organize? Set up children’s pools for everyone to splash around in. Younger kids will have fun filling and spilling containers, while older kids will enjoy squirt guns and balloons. Slides, water bombs, water balloons and baby pools (or large backyard pools) are great ways to turn your party into fun!

Children’s birthday party in summer with painting party

There is hardly a child who does not love to paint. If you throw a painting party at home, all children will have fun without having to spend a lot of money. It could be a creative and colorful party.

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What you need:

Grab some canvas from the craft store and set up stations around your home or yard with paint and water. Children are creative enough, but you can encourage them by suggesting topics for them to draw. Each child will surely create a work of art themselves and at the end of the party everyone can take their masterpiece home with them. Ask parents to pack painting smocks to protect children’s clothing from paint splatters.

Movie night in the garden for a birthday

Outdoor movies are one of the favorite things to do in the summer evenings. And for kids, a summer party would work perfectly as a movie night. Host a movie night in the garden! Cover the lawn with chairs, blankets, pillows. If you don’t have enough seating, ask your guests to bring their own blankets, quilts, or lawn chairs. Get popcorn, drinks and cinema decorations. A chain of lights in the garden would create a real festive flair. You can make a simple DIY canvas using a projector and a white sheet. So the film screening in your garden will be enchanting and the children will be delighted.

If you don’t have a projector or a suitable outdoor space, you can also show the film indoors. But then make sure you provide plenty of cinema-style snacks. Select age-appropriate films and be aware of sensitive children who may need a break from emotionally charged scenes.

A birthday picnic is the classic of the genre

Being outdoors makes everything feel a lot healthier and you don’t have to exert yourself to keep the kids happy. Everyone loves picnics, and kids enjoy them the most! Summer is prime time for picnics, and this is the perfect summer birthday party idea! At a picnic, you can prepare treats for the little ones yourself and choose a beautiful place in nature for children to have fun.

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One of the best ways to enjoy nature and the environment is through outdoor activities in the public park. Adding a picnic theme to your child’s birthday party can make that happen. The children have plenty of space to let off steam and spend their time.

Keep it simple with a traditional plaid picnic blanket and simple snacks, or go all out with picnic invitations like these, DIY decorations and outdoor activities for the kids.

There are different themes for a picnic party, but the easiest is to set up a simple picnic table with a rug or picnic blanket, wooden baskets, flowers, balloons, and ribbons. Just create a festive atmosphere and make sure everything matches the color scheme.

When organizing a summer picnic, it is important that children get enough to eat and drink. A good selection of healthy snacks and some goodies too. Here are some picnic meal ideas:

Children’s birthday fruit platter and fruit punch sandwiches and popcorn potato salad birthday cake

A birthday slumber party

A slumber party is a very classic idea that kids of all ages would love. Just choose age-appropriate activities that stimulate their imagination and fun. Think, for example, of luminous props, wellness experiences or make-up at home. Cooking competitions would also be exciting for the little ones. Children can also try face patterns. For older kids, things like hair chalk or shiny temporary tattoos can add to the glamor. Stock up on pizza and drinks and the party is ready!

You can find some fun craft ideas for children’s birthday parties here!

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