Home » Celiac disease, the first alarm bells not to be underestimated: the tests to be done if these symptoms are felt

Celiac disease, the first alarm bells not to be underestimated: the tests to be done if these symptoms are felt

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Celiac disease, the first alarm bells not to be underestimated: the tests to be done if these symptoms are felt

Celiac disease often manifests itself with initial symptoms that are difficult to recognize, identifying them and carrying out specific tests is essential.

There may also be many people who suffer from celiac disease today, but perhaps not everyone knows exactly what a disease of this kind is and how it can be treated. If you too, therefore, want to know more, you have just clicked on the right article.

When we refer to celiac disease, we speak of an autoimmune disease, which determines a inflammatory reaction due to gluten. Therefore the subjects who are affected by it cannot consume it.

To some it comes explosively with very obvious manifestations, in others it begins progressively and the symptoms are confused with others of a common type such as intestinal disorders, indigestion.

Celiac disease: symptoms and tests to do

Actually when there are problems that they repeat over time and which are unhealthy, one must understand the cause. Nothing is by chance! If the body doesn’t always react the same way, something is wrong. When we talk about gluten we are not referring only to bread, pizza, biscuits but to everything that contains it.

Celiac disease, the first symptoms to recognize (tantasalute.it)

The causes of celiac disease can be given by one genetic predisposition or related to diabetes, arthritis and other syndromes. The main manifestations legal to the disease are: abdominal swelling, diarrhea, pain, weight loss, meteorism. Less common features, however, are: tiredness, mouth ulcers, alopecia, vomiting, tingling in the limbs.

If you have one or more of these disturbances repeatedly over time you have to go to a specialist who will give you specific blood tests to do to determine whether or not you are celiac. Specifically i test with IgA antibody dosage allows you to answer this question. In some cases, an intestinal biopsy may also be required to evaluate the actual condition of the organ.

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Celiac disease it does not provide a real cure but there are medications that can help people reduce symptoms. Thanks to a wide range of special products today it is practically possible to find any alternative even in restaurants, from snacks to biscuits, from pizza to pasta. There are no longer the limitations of a few years ago and those who are celiac can lead a perfectly normal life. You can choose gluten-free products and have detailed information on safe restaurants and businesses including from industry associations. For those who have a strong limitation caused by an advanced condition, in fact, it is essential to pay close attention to the contamination of objects used to prepare meals.

In addition to the appropriate therapy, the doctor will also provide you with useful indications to find out what are the reference points for coeliacs, the brands to prefer and also the tax breaks available in Italy in pharmacies for the purchase of products and for control tests.

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