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Clown relay race starts in front of the Charité Berlin children’s clinic: RED NOSES Germany …

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Clown relay race starts in front of the Charité Berlin children’s clinic: RED NOSES Germany …


Berlin (ots)

The aid organization RED NASEN Deutschland eV is celebrating its 20th birthday this year with a symbolic relay race through clinics and nursing homes. As part of the campaign, RED NOSES clowns carry the baton through 20 facilities where they regularly visit, symbolically passing on the laughter from house to house.

The so-called “RED NOSES Smile Run” leads through the entire Federal Republic and is one of various activities in the 20th anniversary year of the clinic clown association. The starting signal was given on May 2nd, 2023 in front of the clinic for paediatrics and youth medicine on the campus of the Virchow-Klinikum of the Charité – Universitätsmedizin in Berlin. Together with nurses and doctors, the long-standing cooperation with the most famous clinic in Germany was celebrated.

After a musical clown parade, five RED NOSES clowns started the run and handed over the baton to Kathrin Hübner, the nursing director of the pediatric oncology day clinic, to later carry it on from the Charité to the next facility in Berlin, where the RED regularly runs NASEN clown visits are played. The audience cheered for the runners. Also present was Dr. Angelika Eggert, the director of the clinic for pediatrics with a focus on oncology and hematology, who has been supporting and appreciating the work of RED NOSES for many years:

“We are always happy when RED NOSES clowns come. It is something very valuable what they do for the patients. They not only bring laughter, which is already important enough, but also healing. The patients open up much faster during the clown visit and find access to their worries by playing with the clowns. And that’s incredibly healing and helpful. Thank you very much and I’m already looking forward to the next 20 years.”

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In the last 20 years, RED NOSES clowns have played regularly in seven Berlin Charité clinics, including the German Heart Center, the clinic for pediatrics with a focus on oncology and hematology, in the pediatric clinics with a focus on cardiology, pneumology, immunology and intensive care medicine as well as on of pediatric surgery. During around 2,500 clown visits, they gave around 60,000 sick children and their relatives laughter and happy moments. Maria Gundolf, deputy artistic director of RED NASEN Deutschland eV, considers the collaboration with the Charité to be exceptional. She herself goes on visits as Clown Brischitt and was also present at the start of the relay race:

“We have the most projects at the Charité in Berlin, and it has become a very important cooperation partner for us over the past 20 years. As a thank you for the long-standing partnership, we start our symbolic relay race in front of the Charité children’s clinic. Without the appreciation of our work by the medical staff and without the belief in the healing power of humor we would not be where we are now. For this I would like to say a big thank you on behalf of RED NOSES. We look forward to another 20 years of laughter and joy and with many new projects.”

About RED NOSES Germany eV

The non-profit association RED NASEN Deutschland eV brings laughter and joie de vivre to people in need. RED NOSES are specially trained artists who go through an artistic and medical training program in order to be able to work as clowns in health care facilities. The non-profit organization organizes donations and is a partner of the international organization RED NOSES Clowndoctors International, which operates in eleven countries. In Germany, RED NOSES has been an integral part of many social and medical institutions nationwide since 2003. Currently, 74 RED NOSES clowns give happy moments to around 58,800 people every year during regular clown visits. The ambassador of RED NOSES is the world-famous star tenor Rolando Villazón. More information about the work of RED NOSES can be found on the website: www.rotenasen.de.

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Press contact:

Elisabeth Fajt
Head of press and public relations

RED NOSES Germany registered association
Großkopfstrasse 6-7
13403 Berlin

[email protected]
030 2000763-16
0163 7734859

Original content by: RED NASEN, transmitted by news aktuell

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