Home » Digital special edition #cholesteroldialog – medicine and health, medical specialists and wellness

Digital special edition #cholesteroldialog – medicine and health, medical specialists and wellness

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Digital special edition #cholesteroldialog – medicine and health, medical specialists and wellness

Who knows their values?

Frankfurt, May 25, 2023. Everyone should know their target cholesterol level! Because this important fat, which is part of our body cells, is also a causal risk factor for cardiovascular disease. In order to create awareness of the personal (risk) situation, Sanofi is taking up this topic on this year’s Cholesterol Day on June 16th and is dedicating the original #DiabetesDialog to #CholesterolDialog for education on the topic of diabetes for this day.

Be there digitally and switch on the live stream on Friday, June 16, 2023 at 4:30 p.m.!

This special digital edition on the subject of cholesterol is specifically aimed at anyone who would like to deal more intensively with medical topics relating to cardiovascular disease and their own health, and not just at people with diabetes. Our experts – cardiologist Dr. medical Ksenija Stach and family doctor Paris Ntampakas – answer your questions about cholesterol.

Ask your questions about cholesterol!

Cholesterol and diabetes are closely related. With 10.7 million people affected by diabetes, the Day of Cholesterol is particularly important in Germany alone, because people with diabetes belong to one of the largest risk groups for cardiovascular diseases. That is why people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes should know their cholesterol levels and have them checked regularly by specialists.

But cholesterol affects everyone, not just people with diabetes. The background to this as well as other expert tips and especially the answers to your questions – you will find out all this in the #cholesterol dialog on June 16, 2023.

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About Healthier Under 7 PLUS:

With this educational campaign, Sanofi and more than 20 partners have been behind a common goal for many years: listening to people with diabetes, providing answers to open questions and supporting them in leading a better life. This time with a focus on cholesterol.

Further information on the subject of cholesterol, videos and the live stream can now be accessed at: www.gesuender-unter-7.de

Sanofi’s commitment on the occasion of Cholesterol Day

In addition to the virtual event, Sanofi is making two other offers available to all interested parties to deal with the topic of cholesterol.

The Heart Health Challenge provides food for thought and small personal work assignments to live a more heart-conscious lifestyle for 30 days. Some of the content also motivates people to independently check their health-related information, e.g. when was the last medical check-up appointment? When was the cholesterol level last checked? As part of the interactive online cholesterol quiz, those who are interested can also test their cholesterol knowledge and obtain important information about cholesterol.


Brickenkamp-PR GmbH – agency for health communication

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