Home » Do you want to fight water retention? Here’s what to eat and what to absolutely avoid

Do you want to fight water retention? Here’s what to eat and what to absolutely avoid

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Do you want to fight water retention?  Here’s what to eat and what to absolutely avoid

Water retention is a problem that unites many people: so let’s find out together what you should eat to fight it and what it would be better to avoid.

Let’s start from the beginning: what do we mean when we talk about water retention? We indicate a condition in which the body accumulates excess fluid in the tissues. It can occur in different parts of the body such as ankles, legs, arms or abdomen.

Water retention, what to eat and what to avoid – checucino.it

What are the cause what lead to this problem? First of all, an unbalanced diet is one of the first triggers. Likewise also one Sedentary life can play a negative role.

Finally, hormonal changes, taking certain types of medicines or clinical conditions in general can be other elements that give rise to this pathology.

What are instead the symptoms? First, you may feel a sense of swelling in the previously indicated areas of the body. Also, the skin over the swollen area may feel tight and shiny. Even sudden weight gain can alert us to the presence of water retention.

Water retention: what to eat to fight it

Certain foods can help reduce water retention by providing nutrients that promote urine output and support the lymphatic system. Impossible not to mention i cucumbers for this purpose.

Whole and sliced ​​cucumbers – checucino.it

Being very rich in water, they are a trusted ally against this problem. They are also an excellent source of potassium, a substance that contributes to the regulation of fluids in the body.

Me too’pineapple it is a food to be implemented more in one’s diet in the fight against water retention. This is because it contains bromelain, a substance that improves digestion, helping the body to get rid of any accumulation of fluids in the tissues.

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Again, even asparagus fulfills this objective perfectly: in fact, they are well known for their diuretic properties. They complete the list of recommended foods kiwi, melon, celery and ginger. With the latter it is possible to make a myriad of very tasty herbal teas.

What foods are best avoided

It would be good to know that the ingredient that most favors this condition is the sale. You should therefore stay away not only from its container but also from foods that contain them galore such as aged cheeses, cured meats, canned foods, ready sauces, chips or salty snacks.

Cooking salt – checucino.it

Even a high consumption of sugar can negatively affect water retention. It would therefore be good and right to reduce desserts, sugary and fizzy drinks, fruit juices and snacks.

Finally too coffee and tea black are two drinks from which you should stay away. Both in fact contribute to the dehydration of the body which in turn leads to an increase in water retention.

However, moderate amounts of both coffee and black tea can be tolerated by some people without causing significant health problems.

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