Home » Even in bed! Three simple exercises will get you fit quickly

Even in bed! Three simple exercises will get you fit quickly

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Even in bed!  Three simple exercises will get you fit quickly

Not a morning person at all? You don’t have to be for the following three exercises. You can start in your pajamas – without having to leave the house.

You can also save yourself the gymnastics mat because the home workout starts where you are in the morning anyway – in bed, in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

You can stay in bed: How to strengthen your back

You don’t even have to get out of bed to do this exercise. You can easily strengthen your back from the comfortable position on your stomach.

To do this, place your fingertips on your temples and spread your bent arms to the sides away from your body.

From this position, lift your torso and head for about 20 seconds. Then let your body slide gently back onto the mattress and repeat the whole thing again.

Simple exercise while brushing your teeth

You spend two to three minutes brushing your teeth every morning anyway. Why not use this time actively? A short leg workout is ideal.

Here’s how to get your calves in shape: Stand up on your toes and rock evenly from the balls of your feet to your heels. Try to keep as much tension in your legs as possible.

If you have a good sense of balance, you can also try one-legged exercises.

To do this, ensure that you stand securely on your left leg and lift your right leg horizontally backwards to the level of your bottom. Then put your leg down again.

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Repeat the movement 20 times and then switch legs. For better support during this butt training, you can support yourself on the edge of the sink or bathtub.

Before coffee: This exercise will get you fit in the morning

No, this time the pick-me-up doesn’t mean coffee. Because you can look good while you’re making your coffee.

Activate your bottom – that’s how it works

To do this, squeeze your butt muscles for 10 to 15 seconds and then release them again. This wakes up the muscles in the buttocks after the night’s rest and, when repeated regularly, ensures a firm butt.

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