Home » Even serious consequences: why you should never hold back your sneeze

Even serious consequences: why you should never hold back your sneeze

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Even serious consequences: why you should never hold back your sneeze

The Importance of Allowing Sneezing to Occur Naturally

Sneezing is a natural event of our body, and this should never be prevented from happening: there is a big risk. A sneeze is not a simple event, but a real way of our body to expel irritating substances such as germs, dust, and bacteria that end up in the nose and throat. Therefore, it is a response that must not be held back, due to the serious risks involved. There are many negative side effects when trying to hold back a sneeze.

It is crucial to never compress your nostrils to prevent a sneeze from happening. It is better to let yourself sneeze, even if you don’t have a tissue available, perhaps covering yourself with your hands, which then, obviously, must be thoroughly sanitized.

Sneezing expels potential pathogens, which the body tries not to let inside. This is how diseases such as the flu and Covid spread. For this reason, it is important to sneeze into a handkerchief, forearm, or covering the nose and mouth, but without blocking the nostrils to prevent the involuntary action.

If you hold back a sneeze, various more or less serious consequences can occur, including nosebleeds, ear injuries, lacerations of the eardrum, rupture of the pharynx, rupture of capillaries in the eyes, tightness in the chest, and even an aneurysm.

In short, it is crucial to never stop the body from responding to the expulsion of drops with a sneeze. This is because a reaction can occur that can truly be deleterious and not insignificant. When it comes to health, it is important to never take anything for granted. One more sneeze doesn’t change your life; on the contrary, it helps safeguard it.

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