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Gingivitis|Gingivitis|Gum disease | Gesundheit-Aktuell.de

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Gingivitis|Gingivitis|Gum disease |  Gesundheit-Aktuell.de

Basically, these are inflammatory degenerative diseases of the periodontium and the adjacent structures. These diseases lead either acutely or chronically to tooth loosening, inflammation, accumulation of pus and finally to tooth loss. It is usually chronic inflammation that leads to bone loss, degeneration of the periodontium, gingivitis, bleeding gums and the like. However, one must be particularly careful when these symptoms occur in adolescent patients. In this case, it may be the very aggressive, so-called juvenile periodontitis. It sometimes affects adolescents as young as twenty years of age and, if left untreated, leads to tooth loss.

In the therapy of periodontal disease, above all chronic periodontal disease, a distinction is made between different phases. A distinction is made between the so-called pre-treatment, which involves the removal of superficial deposits on the teeth, and the diagnostic phase, ie measuring the pocket depth after the acute early inflammation has subsided, and the actual treatment of the periodontosis, namely the subgingival removal of calculus. This is the curettage of deep deposits of tartar, the so-called concrements. Crown deposits are tartar deposits below the gums. These deposits lead to inflammation of the periodontium, gum recession and possibly also to bone loss. The result is loosening of the teeth. These concretions should definitely be removed regularly. This can be done in the form of an open curettage.

This means the presentation of the changes after the gums have been pushed off and the concrements removed under sight. Above all, this procedure is indicated when the pocket depths are already very advanced. It is also a benefit of the statutory health insurance from a pocket depth of 5.5 mm. This periodontosis treatment is, if you from a specialist, such. B. is carried out by a specialist, a planned, less painful and not very stressful therapy. This is in stark contrast to what many patients have already heard. Unfortunately, in the past, gums were often “cut away, burned away or even lasered away”.

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Such drastic action ignores the fundamental principle that should underlie all medical or dental action, the so-called nihil nocere, ie that one should never cause damage with a therapy. However, “cutting away or burning away” gums leads to exposed tooth necks or the formation of so-called black wholes, ie so-called black triangles between the teeth, which appear where gums used to be, which were cut away and then no longer appear .

With careful and targeted therapy, the calculus can be removed, the gingivitis then recedes and the gums lie back against the tooth in their old position. In this way, the vicious circle between bleeding gums, pain, lack of cleaning, tooth loosening and tooth loss can be broken and the degenerative change can be adequately treated. What is important here, however, is the standardized initiation of therapy with compliance with the necessary treatment steps, namely 1. Pre-treatment, 2. Diagnostics and 3. Therapy.

If you have already noticed bleeding gums, or are even suffering from tooth migration or tooth displacement, it is urgently necessary to consult a specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery and to get comprehensive advice and treatment from them.

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