Home » He has a headache, but it was a tapeworm in his brain. 52-year-old man ate undercooked bacon

He has a headache, but it was a tapeworm in his brain. 52-year-old man ate undercooked bacon

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He has a headache, but it was a tapeworm in his brain.  52-year-old man ate undercooked bacon

Extreme migraine caused by tapeworm larvae found in the brain

A 52-year-old man from Florida was experiencing excruciating migraines for four months before discovering the bizarre cause of his pain. The man, who had a medical history of diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and obesity, had admitted to his doctors that his migraines were unbearable and that medication had been ineffective in alleviating his symptoms.

After undergoing specialized diagnostic tests, doctors made a shocking discovery – live tapeworm larvae were moving within the man’s brain tissues, causing the severe headaches. The results of CT scans showed cysts scattered throughout his brain, initially leading doctors to suspect a neurological disorder.

Further investigation revealed that the man had a history of eating undercooked bacon, which likely led to the development of taeniasis, an intestinal tapeworm infection. The tapeworm eggs found in the feces of those infected with taeniasis can be ingested by humans, leading to cysticercosis, the condition the man was diagnosed with.

Treatment for the man included dexamethasone to reduce cerebral edema and oral medications to eliminate the tapeworm infection. Fortunately, the man responded well to treatment, with regression of the lesions and improvement of the headaches.

Cysticercosis is a disease that has been historically linked to the consumption of pork meat and remains prevalent in certain regions of the world where pork consumption is common. The man’s case serves as a reminder of the importance of proper food preparation and hygiene practices to prevent such infections.

The strange and rare case of tapeworm larvae causing extreme migraines in this man highlights the importance of seeking medical attention for persistent and unusual symptoms. The man’s story has been published as a case study in the American Journal of Case Reports, shedding light on the potential dangers of consuming undercooked meats.

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