Home » Health ticket 2023: who doesn’t have to pay it and why

Health ticket 2023: who doesn’t have to pay it and why

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Health ticket 2023: who doesn’t have to pay it and why

In terms of health care bills, there do not seem to have been any major changes compared to what was expected last year. Yet, not everyone knows that some citizens may be entitled to exemption from the payment of the ticket. Let’s see who doesn’t have to pay it.

In Italy, the health ticket was introduced in 1982 and represents a citizen participation fee for the functioning of the National Health Service (SSN) as a counter-performance for the health care provided. Generally, the copayment is paid before a visit or examination or for the purchase of prescription medicines. However, not everyone knows that the expense related to the health ticket is not always mandatory.

In fact, in some cases, it is possible to take advantage of the exemption from the payment of the health ticket. The exemption from payment for health services is usually granted on the basis of certain personal and income requirements or for health reasons.

For example, you can take advantage of the exemption from the ticket in the case of particular income conditions associated with age or social status. The payment of the health ticket is not foreseen even in the case of proven disability or in the case of citizens suffering from pathologies, chronic or rare diseases, recognized by the Ministry of Health. In addition, the National Health System allows free access to medical services and diagnostic tests even in some situations such as pregnancy, in the event of early diagnosis of tumors and in the case of HIV detection.

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Health ticket 2023: who doesn’t have to pay it

As we said previously, in some cases the law provides for the exemption from the payment of the co-payment for medical services and diagnostic tests.

Specifically, it concerns citizens over the age of 65 with an income of less than 36,151.98 euros (ticket exemption code E01). The unemployed with an income of less than 8,263.31 euros also make use of the ticket exemption, the amount rises to 11,362.05 in the case of a spouse and 516.46 euros for each dependent child (cocharge exemption code E02). Beneficiaries of social pensions and dependent family members are also exempt from payment, as well as holders of a minimum pension over 60 with an income of less than 8,263.31 euros, increased to 11,362.05 in the case of a spouse and increased by 516.46 euros for each dependent child. In these cases, the ticket exemption code is E03 and E04 respectively.

ticket exemption

We have seen that the exemption from paying the health ticket is due not only to income and age, but also in the event of pathologies, disability and pregnancy. In all cases, taxpayers who are entitled to it can check whether their name appears in the list of the Revenue Agency or INPS. Should the name not be present in the list even though they are entitled to it, a specific application must be submitted to the ASL.

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