Home » Here’s how to walk after the age of 50 to slow down aging with peace of mind and pleasure

Here’s how to walk after the age of 50 to slow down aging with peace of mind and pleasure

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Here’s how to walk after the age of 50 to slow down aging with peace of mind and pleasure

Physical activity is certainly an important tool, which we can use to protect our health. In fact, by moving, always under the advice of an expert, we could bring various benefits to our body. Some even quite unexpected for many people. Therefore, what we have to do is collect as much information as possible, trying to understand with our trusted doctor how to proceed.

Walking is a powerful tool for our health and we shouldn’t underestimate it because it could be very useful to us

The benefits of physical activity can be many. In particular, walking is truly a marvel when it comes to health. And, among other things, we had already dealt with this topic in the past. In fact we had already explained, in our previous article for example, how walking can help our brain. But not only. In fact, a constant walk, precise and done for the appropriate time can also help us to lower the cholesterol levels in the blood. And we also talked about this in a previous article. But there is still another benefit of this business to be presented. In the specific case of today, we are addressing the slice of the female population.

Here’s how to walk after the age of 50 to slow down aging with peace of mind and pleasure

The study we are reporting, published by the AIRC, in fact, examined 200 women in the postmenopausal phase. All were between the ages of 50 and 69. The intervention of the experts was interesting and gave really surprising results. In fact, the volunteers were divided into 4 groups and changes were made to the first 3 regarding their daily habits. Today we will focus on those concerning physical activity. The women in question were asked to walk for 1 hour a day every day, thus embracing moderate activity. In addition, this way of walking should be accompanied by 1 hour per week of intense activity. But one fact turns out to be interesting. The experts, in fact, also talk about group walks in their experiment, recommended to the participants among the changes made to their lifestyle.


Therefore, 1 hour a day of sustained walking and with different people who can support us in this transformation. Here’s how to walk after age 50 to keep yourself young and ward off the looming signs of aging. Without forgetting, of course, also the intense activity which will be carried out 1 hour a week. The researchers highlighted that, in the group that made these changes, there were important changes in markers that are associated, as experts recall, with a slowing down of the aging process. Obviously, as we have already specified, let’s always first discuss with our trusted doctor.


To walk correctly and obtain better benefits, here is the path that many recommend

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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