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How nature helps us reduce stress

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How nature helps us reduce stress

Reduce stress, practice health care and even learn better: why some of our seminars take place outdoors in nature

(Image source: Daniel Dvorský, Unsplash)

What do you do when you are stressed? On the sofa and on the telly? To smoke a cigarette? Calm down with chocolate and chips or even drink alcohol?

Why don’t you go out into nature instead, preferably into the forest?

Nature has been proven to counteract stress

You might be wondering: what now? Going into the forest to relieve stress?


It all started in the 1980s: The Kaplan couple, who were doing research at the University of Michigan, found out that participants in their study who went for a walk in a forest or park instead of a walk in the city afterwards had the feeling that they were both more relaxed, balanced and self-confident as well as better able to get rid of the stress accumulated during the day.

These findings, which are purely subjective of course, were soon confirmed by measurements of physiological parameters: During his investigations, the scientist Roger Ulrichs found that blood pressure, heart rate and muscle tension – the three main signs of stress – were significantly lower after a walk in the forest than at the beginning ! Further scientific studies also showed a reduction in the cortisol level after contact with nature (cortisol is THE number 1 stress hormone!), a significant increase in the activity of killer cells (cells that locate abnormally changed cells in our body and make them harmless) and based on this a strengthening of the immune system .

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All these findings flow into the meanwhile established research field of forest medicine. The Chinese physician Qing Li is dedicated to this, and his efforts have already led to the fact that forest bathing is so popular with us too. Among other things, Qing Li found out that it is not necessary to spend several hours in the forest. Even a short stay in the forest or park (or botanical garden, etc.) of 30 minutes is sufficient to feel positive effects on body, mind and soul as well as to reduce the stress parameters described above and to strengthen the immune system.

Why we talk about healthy forest air

Have you ever wondered why we talk about healthy forest air? It is certainly because it smells so fresh and spicy, which we automatically associate with being healthy.

But the forest air is actually healthy! The reason for the fresh and spicy smell are phytoncides. These are essential oils that are released into the air by the leaves (and needles) of the trees and serve as messengers for the plants to communicate with each other. The amazing thing is that plants do not only communicate with each other, but also with us or at least with our immune system. Because it is the phytoncides that are responsible for boosting our immune system and increasing the activity of our killer cells! That is why it can be said with justification that a walk in the forest is a form of cancer prevention!

You can read all these findings in my latest blog post, in which I have also put together some links to scientific papers: From the healing power of nature.

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Why some of our seminars take place outdoors in nature

All of these findings coupled with the studies that nature can also help us learn, have prompted us to create some new concepts for well-established seminars. Because in addition to the findings that we can reduce stress in nature, practice stress prevention and even boost our immune system, some studies have shown that our cognitive functions, such as attention, memory, learning, problem solving and creativity, after interaction with the nature increase significantly.

It is not for nothing that the concept of the “outdoor school” has been around for some time, which is mainly used by our Scandinavian neighbors, e.g Denmark applied and which is also implemented in some of our schools (read this Report from the University of Mainz. And what is good for our children is also good for us adults. That’s why we’re moving some of our seminars outside, like this Resilience training while hiking. Because studies have shown that the seven pillars on which resilience is based are very strongly inspired by nature. You can read more about learning outside on my blog post, in which I have also compiled some literature and many scientific papers for you: learning in nature or Why seminars should take place outside more often.

Last but not least, I would also like to mention that nature can even be helpful in coaching processes. That is why she is already being used by some coaches as a co-coach. More on this topic in one of my blog posts, which is of course also enriched with scientific literature: The influence of nature in seminars and coaching.

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You are also welcome to take a look around our website without obligation. Perhaps you will discover an exciting seminar that interests you?

Bildquelle: Daniel Dvorský, Unsplash

The Bergstrasse Institute for Holistic Relaxation and Communication (BIEK) is a certified training institute in the field of relaxation techniques, stress prevention and corporate health care. The manager is Silvia Duske (Dipl. Soz.Arb., management coach and non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy). The institute has become known for the very practical training courses for relaxation therapists. It offers an extensive program of training for the self-employed in the field of prevention and for employees of companies, public institutions and administrations in the field of stress prevention. The company was ISO 9001 and AZAV certified in July 2015.

Martin Duske
Promenadenstrasse 10-12
64625 Bensheim

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