Home » How to lose weight without dieting but exposing yourself to the cold: how the technique approved by scientists works

How to lose weight without dieting but exposing yourself to the cold: how the technique approved by scientists works

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How to lose weight without dieting but exposing yourself to the cold: how the technique approved by scientists works

Losing weight effortlessly is possible with the cold trick that relies on low temperatures to speed up the metabolism: that’s what it is.

The cold-weather trick for weight loss has become a hot topic among health and nutrition experts, especially after the age of 50.

Scientists have endorsed this practice by discovering that it is an effective method to maintain weight in a healthy way and prevent the accumulation of unwanted fat. How does it work and what should you do to lose weight in the cold correctly and healthily?

Losing weight in the cold, a proven and working technique

When it comes to “cold trick”it refers to a habit involving the use of cold as a tool for stimulate the metabolism to burn calories even without strenuous exercise. Researchers have found that our bodies burn more calories when subjected to cold temperatures, as they try to warm up and maintain ideal body temperature.

Lose weight with the cold: the cryotherapy method – Tantasalute.it

But how exactly does this method work? There are several strategies that can be put into practice. For example, one of the most common practices is to regularly make cold showers to lose weight. Exposure to cold temperatures stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, which in turn activates brown adipose tissue, also known as the “good” fat. This type of fat is responsible for thermogenesiswhich is the process in which the body burns energy to maintain body temperature.

Scientists have conducted several studies to evaluate the effects of the cold technique. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation has shown that exposure to cold activates thermogenesis and can increase the energy consumption up to 30%. Study participants who took cold showers for several weeks experienced a significant decrease in body fat percentage compared to the control group.

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In addition to cold showers, there are also other practices that can help achieve similar benefits i.e. a lose weight effortlessly. For example, operating machinery that causes cold on the body or exposure to cold temperatures in the external environment.

Science has shown that this system can be particularly beneficial for people over the age of 50. As we age, metabolism tends to slow down and becomes more difficult lose weight. The use of cryotherapy as a stimulus to the metabolism it can help counteract this slowdown ea burn calories more efficiently.

Additionally, experts have also highlighted the potential benefits of cold makeup for the overall health of elderly individuals. The practice of cold exposure can improve blood circulation, increase the production of white blood cells e improve the immune response. This is especially important for older people, who may be more prone to health problems. Consult your doctor before starting this type of cold therapy.

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