Home » Lose weight immediately with the 80/20 diet: it’s the favorite of the stars because it really works

Lose weight immediately with the 80/20 diet: it’s the favorite of the stars because it really works

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Lose weight immediately with the 80/20 diet: it’s the favorite of the stars because it really works

Do you know what the 80/20 diet is all about? If the answer is no, then you have to try it now: your diet will never be the same!

One of the sore points that affects most people as soon as the temperatures start to rise dramatically is get back in shape to pass the so-called swimsuit test. This obviously would make sense if there was only one costume model that fits a specific and specific body. Fortunately, however, this is not the case.

Free yourself from extra pounds without stress with the 80/20 diet – Grantennistoscana.it

Precisely because the world is beautiful because it is varied and there are so many sizes and types of bikinis, as well as one-piece swimsuits, to best enhance the shape of a woman or a man, let’s even say like the swimsuit test, even in its most metaphorical sense, is not as important as we always imagined.

It’s important, much, much more important instead, to love each other and be fit for our psychophysical well-being. If this mental click takes place and we change perspective, it will be easier not only to take care of ourselves, but even following the diet will be more pleasant. In fact, it will no longer be seen as an imposition from above, a sacrifice to be submitted to at any cost, but a benevolent and sincere cuddle.

It may seem absurd at first glance, even far from the marble B-side and the sculpted abs, in reality however the right mindset makes all the difference. Effort is not enough without constancy and deprivation can never replace balance, the same that we find inamazing 80/20 diet, the most loved by VIPs.

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Let’s start with a small but necessary premise. There is no universal diet that fits everyone. Each person has specific needs and requirements and personal needs that must be supported for a healthy and satisfying weight loss journey. Otherwise, even the best food plan in the world will fail over time.


To lose weight effectively, do-it-yourself diets are banned: always listen to your body – Grantennistoscana.it

The reason why DIY in these cases is banned. Just as we turn to a specialist to get streaks or try out a new scaled cut that we’ve seen on social media, we have to do the same, if not above all, when we want to lose weight. It seems, in fact, that when it comes to nutrition – something we’ve been doing forever and ever and several times a day – we already know everything.

It’s actually not like that. In fact, food education is one of the hottest and most important topics of our time, precisely because misinformation when it comes to food, calories, quantities, macronutrients (one of the many hated and demonized carbohydrates) and metabolism is always around the corner.

What is the 80/20 diet, the diet followed by Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana in the panorama of VIPs attentive to their figure and psychophysical well-being, it has certainly always been at the forefront. The actress of Avatar e Star Trek, in fact, is particularly keen on following a lifestyle that is as healthy and healthy as possible. That’s why thanks to the 80/20 diet it is easy for her to have a toned, healthy and well-sculpted body.

But how exactly does the diet that revolutionized the actress’s life work? In other words, “80/20indicates the relationship between healthy and unhealthy meals”sani. In 80% of cases therefore, one must opt ​​for complete meals that contain all the macronutrients necessary for the correct functioning of our body. In the remaining 20% ​​of meals, however, you can be softer.

Zoe Saldana can’t do without the 80/20 diet – (Source ANSA) – Grantennistoscana.it

In short, if hyper-restrictive diets aren’t your thing, the 80/20 diet could be an excellent starting point precisely because it doesn’t have rigid rules to follow. Specifically, in fact, it is a very flexible diet and if we want even more”sereno“. You will then be able to lose weight without anxiety, stress or worse social pressures. But is there a fixed pattern to stick to?

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Not really, a lot, in fact, depends as much on needs as on personal wishes. Just to give an idea of ​​the approach “mixed” and free which is the basis of the diet, you can choose, for example, to eat healthy and nutritious meals during the week for indulge like this a few more treats, such as foods high in fat and added sugar, on the weekend. Others, on the other hand, can indulge in pizza on Wednesday evenings, catching up on the weekend.

There is no right or wrong way. In fact, each of us has a rather complex and eventful life must adapt the diet following his weekly routine which of course can vary a lot from person to person. However, if we want to, there is a rule and it is fundamental.

Precisely because it is possible to lose weight only if you pay attention to your intake and to weekly calorie deficit, more calories must be burned than those introduced, one must not exaggerate when one goes astray. The 80/20 ratio is therefore respected, then the ratio would be unbalanced. In short, it is true that nothing is off limits and that you can also eat french fries or a nice slice of chocolate cake, but the balance must be respected.

What can you eat on the 80/20 diet?

The diet, not having a fixed and rigid plan to follow daily, is based on the dietary guidelines of the British and US governments and provides for the consumption of:

Whole grains: bread, pasta, oats, spelt and brown rice.
Verdure: courgettes, aubergines, tomatoes, peppers etc., the important thing is that they are steamed, grilled or pan-fried.
Fruit: bananas, apples, strawberries, peaches etc.
Dairy products: Ricotta, primosale cheese, light spreadable cheese, Greek yogurt, light mozzarella, feta.
Lean protein: chicken, turkey, fish, but lean cuts of beef and pork are also good.
Nuts, seeds and fats”good: walnuts, almonds, peanuts, cashews, chia seeds, but also natural peanut butter, extra virgin olive oil and avocado.

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Carbonated drinks, on the other hand, are limited and you should prefer to consume still water and green tea rich in antioxidants.

Let’s discover the 80/20 diet together – Grantennistoscana.it

Zoe Saldana, however, also provided the typical day, revealing which dishes she consumes almost every day. Breakfast is either egg and veg or a avocado toast with sliced ​​tomato on top. In short, a savory breakfast for the star that usually accompanies with a regenerating green vegetable juice.

Obviously, the actress greatly limits take-away (except when the free meal is included, which falls within the 20%) so she prefers to cook for both lunch and dinner. Her favorite dishes are: brown rice with beans (any quality is just fine), grilled chicken with ginger and honey, potato and shrimp salad or grilled fish with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a generous portion of vegetables that helps keep the senses at bay of satiety.

However, nutrition alone is not enough. For a toned, healthy and healthy body, physical activity is essential. Both aerobic activity, such as a 20-minute walk a day, and anaerobic activity, such as circuit training, both bodyweight and with weights, are fine. But not only. Keeping stress under control, responsible for cortisol production, can also make a difference.

The physique, in fact, will be slimmer and less swollen with simple ones abdominal breathing exercises, ideal for relaxation. Perhaps in the evening, before falling asleep, or in the morning before starting your day, treat yourself to a deep meditation session for immediate benefits on the mind and above all on the body.

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