Home » Metabolism, other than drinking lemon and ginger: if you want to accelerate it as much as possible you have to eat this every day

Metabolism, other than drinking lemon and ginger: if you want to accelerate it as much as possible you have to eat this every day

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Metabolism, other than drinking lemon and ginger: if you want to accelerate it as much as possible you have to eat this every day

A recent trend in the world of fitness and nutrition has been the focus on finding ways to increase metabolism and improve physical performance. Many theories and myths have circulated, with some even touting the use of exotic foods such as turmeric, ginger, dragon tongue, or peacock feathers as miracle solutions. However, science tells us that the reality is very different.

To optimize metabolism and maintain a healthy and efficient body, it is necessary to adopt a more balanced approach based on scientifically proven principles. Effective strategies to improve metabolism debunk myths and highlight the importance of a holistic approach that includes exercise, proper nutrition, and active lifestyles.

One key factor in weight and energy management is the basal metabolic rate, which represents 60-70% of total metabolism. An effective strategy to improve it is to increase muscle mass. Each pound of additional muscle mass can increase the basal metabolic rate by approximately 20 kcal, meaning that a more muscular body burns more calories even at rest, making it easier to maintain or lose weight.

Furthermore, regular physical activity has a significant impact on total metabolism, contributing 15-30% of total energy expenditure. This varies depending on the type, quantity, and intensity of the exercise practiced. Sports such as weightlifting, cycling, or swimming not only increase muscle mass but also stimulate the body to burn more calories during and after physical activity. Another important aspect is the NEAT (Non-Sports Thermogenesis), which includes all calories burned through daily non-sport activities such as playing an instrument, gardening, or walking the dog.

Nutrition also plays a crucial role in modulating metabolism. Following a balanced diet based on the Mediterranean model optimizes diet-induced thermogenesis. It is important to note that fat-induced thermogenesis is only 2%, while that of carbohydrates and proteins is around 10% and 20%, respectively. During physical activity, carbohydrates are the most efficient energy substrate, providing approximately 5.3 kcal per liter of oxygen (VOmax), compared to 4.7 kcal from fat and 3.2 kcal from protein.

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Finally, it is crucial to avoid falling into the trap of “magic pills” and miracle diets that promise quick results without scientific basis. These approaches are not only ineffective but can also damage health and worsen metabolic performance in the long term. The key to an efficient metabolism and optimal health lies in a balanced lifestyle, which includes regular exercise, a healthy diet, and active daily activity.

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