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no money to most of those who asked for it

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no money to most of those who asked for it

It is definitely the bonus of the moment, however the contribution to support the expenses related to psychotherapy sessions it could turn into a joke for many Italians.

We refer to the psychologist bonus, contribution of maximum 600 euros to be spent on psychotherapy sessions (with professionals who have joined the project) for which the procedure for sending the application was started in recent days. However, as has already happened with other bonuses, such as that for bikes and scooters, many are likely to not being able to access it due to exhaustion of resources.

On the other hand, the questions sent in these days have exceeded expectations and it will be impossible to please everyone. And considering that to send the application there is time until October 24the number of discontented people is destined to increase.

This does not mean that you must give up sending the application: the rule, in fact, is not that for which the bonus is due to those who have requested it before, as Isee will be taken into account in drawing up the rankings. Those who need it most, economically speaking, will therefore be entitled to the bonus, while those who remain out of the final ranking will have to renounce it.

Psychologist bonus: how many people is it entitled to?

The psychologist bonus is a measure intended for people in a condition of anxiety, stress, depression e psychological fragilitydue to the pandemic emergency and the consequent socio-economic crisis, who are in a position to benefit from a psychotherapeutic path.

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For the psychologist bonus have been allocated 10 million euros. Considering that this is a contribution that can reach a maximum of 600 euros (taking into account the ISEE), it follows that in the worst case they will be entitled to it as soon as 16 thousand people.

Of course, not everyone will get the maximum contribution, so it is likely that the audience of beneficiaries will be larger, but not by much. Looking at the current numbers, therefore, it appears that most of those who have applied for the so-called psychologist bonus will be excluded: on the other hand, yesterday, Tuesday 26 July, the number of applications presented to INPS reached a quota 85 milaa figure destined to increase in the coming days.

How the psychologist bonus is awarded

The psychologist bonus is awarded taking into account the ISEE. The lower the indicator, the higher the ranking will be. Let us remember, then, that the ISE also depends on the refund amount: only those who do not pass i 15.000 euroin fact, they may be entitled to the maximum amount, therefore equal to 600 euros.

For this reason, we must not be frightened by the high number of applications submitted to INPS, since it is not a click day dove “who first arrives well lodges“. If you think you have a low Isee, then take advantage of this opportunity to get a contribution towards the expenses incurred for the psychotherapy sessions.

However, do not waste any more time: it is true that the respective regional and provincial rankings will take into account the Isee value, but it is equally true that with the same indicator they will have the those who sent the request first.

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How does it work

Those who are eligible and winners of the psychologist bonus will be immediately made available an indication of the amount of the benefit and the associated unique code, which must be delivered to the professional where the psychotherapy session is held. In this regard, on the day of July 26 they already appeared 15 thousand psychotherapists registered on the bonus lists, who then made themselves available to the project. A figure destined to increase, as there is time to join until October.

The available amount must be used within a period of 180 days from the acceptance of the application; otherwise the unique code will be canceled and the amount saved will be used to finance further requests.

Psychologist bonus 600 euros: what happens to those who are not entitled to it?

At the moment there does not seem to be any extensions for this measure, nor is there any allocation of additional resources useful for expanding the audience of beneficiaries. The hope is that there may be some unused resources so that they can be reallocated to the initially excluded beneficiaries.

About that, Filippo Sensideputy of the Democratic Party who promoted the measure, hopes – speaking on Twitter – that the success of this measure will lead to reflections between partieswho in the next legislature will have to give important answers on the protection of mental health.

On the other hand, the boom in requests for the psychologist bonus – which have exceeded all expectations – shows that there is a growing need for the protection of mental well-being, which must be answered as soon as possible. Also repeating initiatives like thisbut with higher figures (initially there was talk of 40 million euros, an amount that would have guaranteed support for a greater number of people).

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