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Redefining Healthcare: Moving from Disease-Centered to Person-Centered Care

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Redefining Healthcare: Moving from Disease-Centered to Person-Centered Care

Abel Novoa, a family doctor and former president of No Gracias, recently delivered a thought-provoking talk on “fragility and care.” In his speech, Novoa highlighted the evolution of medicine and the changing perceptions of illness and patient care throughout history. He emphasized the need to understand the roots of medical practices in order to address modern healthcare challenges effectively.

Novoa pointed out the limitations of the traditional biomedical model, which focuses primarily on disease and specific treatments. While this approach has led to significant advancements in treating acute illnesses, it often fails to address chronic conditions, psychosomatic symptoms, and social or emotional distress. Novoa proposed a more holistic and person-centered approach to healthcare, which takes into account the individual’s overall well-being and coping mechanisms.

In the context of modern medicine, Novoa stressed the importance of comprehensive and personalized care for each patient. He advocated for a shift towards interventions that enhance patients’ abilities to navigate daily life and reduce the burdens imposed by illness, aging, or social factors. This approach requires health professionals to move beyond conventional diagnoses and treatments, focusing instead on the individual’s unique needs and circumstances.

Regarding primary care, Novoa highlighted the need for a new model that blends disease-centered and person-centered care. He emphasized the role of generalists who specialize in understanding patients’ relationships, social contexts, and emotional well-being. These generalists rely on a range of sources of knowledge, including qualitative studies, patient narratives, and contextual insights, to tailor interventions to individual needs.

Overall, Novoa’s talk shed light on the changing landscape of modern healthcare and the urgent need for a more comprehensive and compassionate approach to patient care. As the healthcare system grapples with increasing rates of chronic illness and complex medical challenges, Novoa’s insights offer a valuable roadmap for the future of medicine.

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