Home » Serious injuries in recreational sports Gesundheit-Aktuell.de

Serious injuries in recreational sports Gesundheit-Aktuell.de

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Serious injuries in recreational sports  Gesundheit-Aktuell.de

When cyclists or skaters are involved in an accident, the consequences are serious. Because they lack the protective crumple zone, which absorbs the force of the impact in the event of a collision. The most common causes of accidents include loss of balance and hitting an obstacle, as well as accidents due to material fatigue.

The most common consequences of accidents are harmless soft tissue injuries such as abrasions, lacerations and bruises. In the case of a direct impact, the collarbone and the joint between the collarbone and the shoulder blade are particularly often affected. Fractures of the femoral neck are caused by the direct impact of the hip. Especially without a helmet, there is a risk of a skull or brain injury in an accident. Headaches are the most harmless consequence. The vast majority of craniocerebral injuries are minor traumas, i.e. concussions that are often accompanied by brief drowsiness and nausea. Other injuries can result from a fracture of the facial or skull bones to serious brain injuries. A fall can rupture blood vessels in the brain from the impact, and in the worst case, swelling or bleeding can press on the brain and cause severe, even fatal, damage. Severe head injuries can also result in memory loss and paralysis.

Unlike open injuries such as lacerations, for example, internal bleeding or a contusion of the brain is not immediately recognizable. However, there are also warning signs for laypeople and first aiders that indicate an internal injury. The most important characteristic is the state of consciousness of the accident victim. Anyone who is dazed or unresponsive after an accident urgently needs an emergency doctor. In addition to visible injuries, bleeding from the ears or nose and bloodshot eyes also indicate a possible internal injury to the head and if the injured person has speech disorders, brain functions may have been impaired. The pupils can also give clues to internal injuries by reacting unevenly or not at all to changes in light. A medical examination is also urgently required for symptoms such as headaches or dizziness as a result of a fall. Another sign of danger is sudden and prolonged drowsiness. This can occur when blood accumulates between the meninges and skull bones and presses on the brain. In individual cases, the symptoms can only appear after up to three weeks. If children show abnormal behavior after an accident, parents should urgently consult a specialist.

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However, to avoid serious head injuries in the first place, cyclists and skaters are strongly advised to wear a helmet. Of course, a helmet cannot prevent all injuries, but a well-fitting protective helmet cushions the impact of the head in the event of a fall and thus prevents serious injuries. That’s why even the very little ones should always wear a safety helmet if they are taken along in suitable seats or in a bicycle trailer. And adults set a good example, because their exemplary behavior on the road is adopted by the children.

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