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Stopping the aging process: What role does NAD+ play?

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Stopping the aging process: What role does NAD+ play?

If you deal with the topic of healthy aging and longevity, you quickly come across NAD+. But what is behind the natural coenzyme and how can it slow down aging?

A long life alone is not enough. Above all, healthy aging is important so that you can also enjoy the extra years. This is what the longevity movement is all about, and one molecule seems to play a special role in this process: NAD+.

There are already numerous studies that have examined the role of NAD+ in the aging process and in diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

What exactly is NAD+?

NAD+ stands for nicotinamide adenine donucleotide and is found in all living cells. This molecule plays an important role in a number of processes in our body: It is at the Regeneration and involved in DNA repair, leading to an improvement in lipid metabolism, a reduction in insulin resistance, can help you focus better as it is involved in many brain functions and help you feel less tired. Because NAD+ supports your immune system and reduces chronic inflammation.

In addition, NAD+ is associated with a reduction in neurodegeneration and is said to help with the fertility in women play a role.

Why Low NAD+ Levels Make You Age Faster

The Energy metabolism takes place in the mitochondria from, which is why these are also referred to as power plants of the cells. A lot of NAD+ is needed there because it serves as fuel for the mitochondria.

Researchers could studies show that your body’s NAD+ levels drop significantly as you age. By age 50, you have about half your original NAD+ levels, and by age 80, you have about 1-10% of what you had as a young adult.

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The processes that need NAD+ run slower or only reduced. Also for repairing damage in your DNA and Preserving your telomeres, the arms of your chromosomes, NAD+ is important. The older you get, the shorter your telomeres become. With a high NAD+ level, the shortening can be stopped or delayed so that you age more slowly.

With age, problems such as obesity , Diabetes and the metabolic syndrome to. These diseases in turn promote a variety of cardiovascular diseases. A slowed metabolism and a unhealthy lifestyle often contribute to the development of these age-related problems. The higher the NAD+ level, the better your metabolism can function and potentially delay the onset of these problems.

Aging slower thanks to high NAD+ levels

So how can you age healthily and live longer? There are now a variety of behaviors that can increase your life expectancy and maintain your health. This includes a healthy and balanced diet, the avoidance of cell toxins such as Alcohol, Nicotine or Zuckerthe absorption of anti-inflammatory nutrients, such as antioxidants and regular Movement.

In addition, there are certain situations in which your body will naturally cause the NAD+ concentration to increase. This includes periods of hunger, such as you see in the The interval fast or the therapeutic fasting retain. Also one Low carb diet and exercise lead to more NAD+ in your cells.

If you and your body are increasingly exposed to the sun and thus to harmful UV radiation, this will mean that your NAD+ level will decrease much more quickly. Overuse and chronic inflammation in your body also lead to less NAD+ and thus accelerate your aging process. You should therefore reduce these influences as much as possible in order to delay cell aging as much as possible.

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NAD+ as a dietary supplement

Unfortunately, direct nutritional supplementation with NAD+ is not possible. However, you can increase your NAD+ levels by supplementing with NAD+ precursors, substances that are converted into NAD+ by the body.

Among the best-known NAD+ boosters are the derivatives of vitamin B3: NMN, nicotinamide (NAM) or Nicotinamid-Ribosid.

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