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Stroke nose drops could revolutionize patient recovery

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Stroke nose drops could revolutionize patient recovery

Stroke is a serious disease that affects millions of people worldwide, causing motor disabilities and significantly impacting quality of life. However, a recent discovery has unearthed a promising new therapeutic approach: nose drops containing a specific molecule called C3a. In this article, we’ll explore how these nose drops have been shown to improve and speed recovery from ischemic stroke in laboratory tests, opening new hope for millions of patients affected by this debilitating condition.

Figure 1 – New medical discovery, nose drops that speed recovery after a stroke

The Revolutionary Effect of Nasal Drops

An international research team has conducted a groundbreaking study to evaluate the efficacy of nose drops containing C3a peptide in improving recovery after a stroke. What makes this discovery even more surprising is the fact that the drops are administered one week after the attack, contrary to conventional immediate therapies. This aspect holds particular promise for patients who cannot get to the hospital immediately or who do not derive significant benefit from traditional treatments such as thrombolysis or thrombectomy.

The Social and Economic Relevance of Therapy

Stroke is one of the leading causes of disability in the world, with millions of new cases each year. In Italy, it is estimated that around 200,000 people develop a stroke, half of whom have motor and language deficits and conditions that affect quality of life. This implies a significant social and economic impact. C3a peptide nose drops could be a breakthrough in medicine, offering a promising treatment to improve the lives of millions of stroke patients.

The Science Behind Nasal Drops

The research team, led by Swedish scientists, demonstrated the effectiveness of nose drops in tests conducted on mouse models (mice). The drops containing the C3a peptide were administered to a group of mice suffering from ischemic stroke, while a control group received a placebo. The results showed that the mice treated with the nose drops showed significant improvements in the recovery and recovery speed of motor function compared to the control group. These results were confirmed by experiments conducted in several laboratories.

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How Nasal Drops Work

Peptide C3a, the active ingredient in nose drops, is involved in the regulation of inflammation and the immune response. Through magnetic resonance, the researchers observed that the administration of this molecule increases the formation of new connections in the brain of the treated mice. Nose drops affect the function of astrocytes, the cells that control nerve cell function in both healthy and diseased brains. This process promotes communication between nerve cells, facilitating the recovery of motor functions impaired by the stroke.

An Accessible and Promising Treatment

One of the most promising aspects of this therapy is its potential flexibility and accessibility. The nose drops could also be given to patients who arrive at the hospital too late for traditional treatments or who have residual disabilities after the clot is removed. Furthermore, it is expected that the drops could be self-administered by the patient himself or with the assistance of a family member, thus reducing the need for direct medical assistance.

Next Steps and Challenges

Importantly, positive results seen in mice do not automatically guarantee the same efficacy in humans. Further clinical studies are needed to evaluate the applicability of nasal drops in the treatment of stroke in human patients. In this process, the involvement of a pharmaceutical company that supports the research and testing of the C3a peptide in the form of nasal drops will be essential. Full details of the research have been published in The Journal of the Clinical Investigation (JCI).


Nose drops containing C3a peptide are a promising innovation in the field of stroke treatment. This therapy could offer new possibilities for recovery and improvement for patients affected by this debilitating disease. Not only does it open up positive prospects for the medical sector, but it could also have a significant social and economic impact. We will continue to follow the future developments of this revolutionary therapy to provide tangible hope to millions of stroke patients around the world.


  • The Journal of the Clinical Investigation. Link
  • Mental disorders increase the risk of stroke. Link
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