Home » The Best Times to Indulge in Sweets Without Gaining Weight: Revealed by Doctors for Effective Weight Loss

The Best Times to Indulge in Sweets Without Gaining Weight: Revealed by Doctors for Effective Weight Loss

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The Best Times to Indulge in Sweets Without Gaining Weight: Revealed by Doctors for Effective Weight Loss

Doctors reveal the right times to eat sweets without gaining weight, stating that it is essential for getting back in shape. While many people dream of being able to indulge in sweets without the guilt, especially with Italy being known for producing some of the best sweets in the world, it can be challenging to maintain a nice waistline and shed extra pounds. However, experts have shared some important tricks that can allow individuals to lose weight without completely giving up the goodness of desserts.

One of the questions that people often have is how many desserts they can eat a day without gaining weight or which desserts are best to consume when on a diet. It’s important to note that sugar itself is not bad for you, according to doctors. They recommend that no more than 5-10% of total daily calories should come from simple sugars. This means not exceeding more than six teaspoons of sugar a day. It’s crucial to consider all the sugars naturally present in food, including honey, ice cream, yogurt, milk, and industrial foods that often contain high amounts of sugar.

The issue with sugar is that it quickly passes from the intestine into the blood, causing glycemic spikes. The problem is that sugar has a minimal satiating effect, so individuals experience these glycemic peaks but do not feel full. Ideally, it would be best to avoid sweets as much as possible, but the reality is that this is not always simple. The brain strongly stimulates the consumption of these foods because they improve mood, making it difficult to say no to sweet food when tired, sad, or stressed.

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Even when on a diet, individuals can treat themselves to some sweets. However, it is crucial not to overindulge in quantity and frequency. Doctors advise not eating more than one small dessert a week. Moreover, it is vital to identify the best time of the day to consume a dessert.

Research conducted by Tel Aviv researchers in 2012 found that eating a treat at the start of the day speeds up metabolism and activates brain functions. By eating a sweet in the morning, individuals have the rest of the day to burn off the calories, preventing unnecessary weight gain. On the other hand, eating a dessert for dinner is not recommended, as the calories consumed will have no way of being disposed of overnight, potentially leading to fat accumulation. Additionally, the energy from dessert could disrupt sleep patterns.

For those curious about which sweets are suitable for a diet, dark chocolate is a good option. It contains flavonoids, which are beneficial for cardiovascular health and the brain. Consuming 10 or 20 grams of dark chocolate a day is not harmful. If individuals desire other types of dessert, opting for homemade and light versions is preferable. Desserts made with seed oil instead of butter or extra virgin olive oil are better, and cream can be replaced with yogurt. Candied or syruped fruit should be replaced with fresh ones. Enjoying a fruit tart prepared with a little sugar is possible without feeling too guilty.

While sweets may be tempting and enjoyable, it is important to be mindful of portion sizes, frequency, and timing of consumption. By incorporating these strategies, individuals can indulge their sweet tooth without compromising their weight loss goals.

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