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The Magic of Ayurvedic Nutrition – Medicine and Health, Medical Specialists and Wellness

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The Magic of Ayurvedic Nutrition – Medicine and Health, Medical Specialists and Wellness

We eat more or less healthy every day – several times. Ayurveda gives us the chance to eat healthy with delicious and tasty food.

Healthy through Ayurveda

But the practice looks different for many people: Fast food, ready meals and finger food – just on the side, on the way to work or on the way home, when traveling or on vacation, at parties or just because, that’s often the common thing Practice.

And the body joins in – not because it’s good for it, but because we don’t give it any other choice. He compensates for this over years and decades, not because he wants to, but because he always provides the best possible life for us, even if we don’t pay attention to it ourselves.

What can disrupt our metabolism.

I managed a nursing home for the elderly for a number of years and I know what it means to be limited by metabolic disorders and illness in old age.

And when I talked to the residents about what is healthy, some people said in astonishment, why didn’t anyone tell me “that” before.

In Western medicine, we tend to attribute signs of illness to age in particular. Aging processes are “normal”, there is nothing you can do about it. And the menopause also has a negative impact on the metabolism and often also on the psyche.

Studies show that many diseases that appear in the middle of life are nutrition-related and that our lifestyle is also responsible for the fact that we are increasingly restricted by symptoms and manifest diseases from the age of 50+.

But that’s not easy and you don’t have to put up with it.

According to Ayurveda we have a very personal constitution. And according to Ayurveda, if we live according to it, this also gives us the best chance of leading a long, healthy life, even into old age.

So that we can align ourselves with our Ayurvedic constitution, we must of course know it, then we can also take it into account in our diet and in our lifestyle.

You can learn about the Ayurveda constitution during an Ayurveda consultation with an Ayurveda specialist. I have also prepared an online course for this, in which you not only work out your own constitution in detail – you also get the basic information on how to determine the Ayurveda constitution of other people.

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What can throw us off balance?

These are the causes of most metabolic disorders, which, as already mentioned, are often also diet-related:

The wrong diet, fast food, ready meals, stress, too little exercise and too little sleep are often the reasons why our body can no longer compensate.

According to Ayurveda, not only do we ourselves have an Ayurveda constitution, the phases of life are also assigned to these qualities Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Childhood is associated with Kapha – being nurtured, being protected, accumulating knowledge (learning something) and helping to grow up are the priorities here.

The Pitta phase of life begins around the age of 20. Here it is a question of putting the knowledge into practice – being successful, starting a family, acquiring status symbols – all of this is assigned to this phase of life.

Pitta, the fire energy, gives us good digestive power – according to Ayurveda, this is also the reason why we can compensate for our diet-related and life-related sins for a long time. And I choose the term “sin” here in the original sense: in archery, the difference from the middle (the center) to the point where the arrow hit was called sin. In a figurative sense, this means that our lifestyle and diet, which does not correspond to our Ayurveda constitution, leads to an imbalance and, if this happens over a longer period of time, makes us ill.

In the middle of life, i.e. from around the age of 45, there is the transition to the Vata phase of life – but that changes a lot. This period is also marked by the midlife crisis and menopause.

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Vata is assigned to the third phase in our life, I like to call this time “best aging”. It could be the best time of our lives if our bodies would cooperate.

However, Vata has poorer digestive power, which means that the body of many people is now decompensating, it can no longer compensate for our diet and lifestyle – according to Ayurveda, this is also the essential point for many diseases that are now showing up.

These diseases are not natural in old age, they show up now because the body tells us: “I can’t do it anymore – I need your help now”.

…and that help is a healthier diet and lifestyle. Of course, it would have been better to start earlier and I also think it’s very good that more and more younger people are realizing how important the diet and lifestyle, even at a young age, is for health in old age.

In my training as an Ayurveda nutritionist, I go into all the important points in detail and also show alternatives that mean enjoyment, but which still keep you healthy. Many people just book this training for themselves, because with this knowledge you have essential and basic information for radiant health into old age at hand – for yourself and also for your family.

It includes a basic cooking course, determining your constitution, a week of fasting and intensive knowledge of all the important aspects of a healthy life.

But I also see very often that people who learn Ayurveda in order to be able to integrate it more easily into life also make a meaningful profession out of it – this training is also a very good basis for this – it’s not just about being able to healthy nutrition, but also about aligning the lifestyle according to the principles of Ayurveda.

Isn’t it shocking that almost 50% of people are more or less overweight and that diet and lifestyle are basically responsible for it?

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And what is ultimately responsible for many diseases due to this diet and lifestyle that does not correspond to our constitution?

High blood pressure and other heart and circulatory problems, obesity, gout, elevated cholesterol levels, liver and gallbladder problems, diabetes mellitus and much more are not a must.

Sure, sometimes illnesses or medication can also be the cause, but much more rarely than expected.

According to Ayurveda, it is in our hands to create the best conditions for a well-functioning metabolism through a conscious diet and lifestyle – and of course also to ensure that this is the case into old age.

If you would like to know more about the training, here you will find detailed information on the training “Ayurveda nutrition for a healthy life in harmony with Ayurveda”.

The Ayurveda School Wolfgang Neutzler is an independent private school.

The headmaster of the school for Ayurveda, Wolfgang Neutzler, has been practicing as an alternative practitioner with a focus on Ayurveda since 1985. As a coach, he looks after people specifically when it comes to changing their diet and losing weight.

The main focus of his work are online seminars and training courses. A fast and effective way of learning, without travel expenses and stress, especially in this day and age.

The following online offers are available: Training to become an Ayurveda nutritionist, Ayurveda cooking courses, weight loss training, Ayurveda fasting week, course instructor for Ayurveda baby massage, massage for pregnant women, Ayurveda constitution determination, Ayurveda massages, Ayurveda relaxation Trainer.

Wolfgang Neutzler is the author and co-author of 8 books, including 5 Ayurveda books.

The goal is to give a lot of people access to Ayurveda.

Ayurveda – the knowledge of a healthy, long and happy life

company contact
Ayurveda School Wolfgang Neutzler
Wolfgang Neutzler
Oberfischbacher Str. 7
88677 Markdorf
0157 51271025

Press contact
Wolfgang Neutzler
Oberfischbacher Str. 7
88677 Markdorf
0157 51271025


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