Home » The Rising Risk of Erectile Dysfunction in Young Men: Stress, Unhealthy Behaviors, and Hormonal Factors

The Rising Risk of Erectile Dysfunction in Young Men: Stress, Unhealthy Behaviors, and Hormonal Factors

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The Rising Risk of Erectile Dysfunction in Young Men: Stress, Unhealthy Behaviors, and Hormonal Factors

Young Men Increasingly at Risk of Erectile Dysfunction: Stress and Unhealthy Behaviors Blamed

According to the president of the Italian Society of Andrology (Sia), Alessandro Palmieri, young men are increasingly at risk of experiencing erectile dysfunction at a younger age. Traditionally thought to mainly affect those over 40, Palmieri attributes the progressive lowering of the age of onset to more stressful lifestyles, unbalanced diets, and unhealthy habits. He also points out that the greater use of hormones like testosterone, especially among younger individuals seeking to promote muscle growth, further increases the possibility of encountering the problem.

During a recent workshop titled ‘From the tablet… to the volatile’, promoted by Sia with the support of Neopharmed Gentili, Palmieri emphasized the importance of prevention and the evolution of treatment options. “Erectile dysfunction – explains Palmieri – means the inability to start and complete a sexual relationship that is satisfactory for the patient. It is estimated that 3 million Italians suffer from it, but we lack updated data on the pathology.”

The specialist stresses the significance of prevention in countering the onset of erectile dysfunction. “It is important not to underestimate the role of prevention of risk factors and the importance of lifestyles,” he recommends.

Experts assert that the correct management of erectile dysfunction requires an in-depth understanding of its underlying causes. It can be a symptom of other serious conditions, such as diabetes, neurological and cardiovascular problems, and hormonal imbalances. Individuals who undergo operations for the treatment of pelvic tumors are also at risk of experiencing erectile dysfunction.

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Recognizing the potential warning signs is crucial. Heart attacks, visual disturbances like retinopathy, and persistent headaches that imply vasodilation are among the main alarm bells. These symptoms indicate bodily alterations of erectile function and the endothelial tissue of the organism, highlighting the need for prompt intervention to prevent further serious conditions.

“In the presence of suspicious symptoms, it is best to contact an andrology expert for an analysis of the problem,” urges Palmieri. Early diagnosis is key to ensuring effective and tailored treatment. In addition to traditional oral therapies, spray formulations have emerged as highly effective treatment options that offer rapid action and efficacy.

Notably, sildenafil, the active ingredient of Viagra, is now available in an innovative spray formulation that is easy to use and guarantees rapid treatment action. Pharmacological therapies, when combined with physical therapies like shock waves on the corpus cavernosum, enable patients to rehabilitate fully and gradually reduce the therapeutic load.

Therapeutic education plays a vital role in optimizing treatment outcomes. The andrologist doctor’s task involves teaching patients how to manage therapy, conveying treatment goals, and reassuring them about any potential side effects, particularly during the initial stages.

Overall, a multidimensional approach that includes prevention, lifestyle adjustments, and patient-friendly therapies can help combat the rising incidence of erectile dysfunction among young men. With proper care and treatment, individuals can regain their sexual health and enjoy fulfilling relationships.

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