Home » There are 80,653 cases, 157 deaths. 22% positivity rate – Health

There are 80,653 cases, 157 deaths. 22% positivity rate – Health

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There are 80,653 cases, 157 deaths.  22% positivity rate – Health

There are 80,653 new infections from Covid recorded in the last 24 hours, according to data from the Ministry of Health. Yesterday 86,067 were infected. Instead, the victims are 157, the same number as yesterday. The rate is 22%, slightly down from 22.6% yesterday and a total of 366,000 swabs were performed, including antigenic and molecular. On the other hand, 410 patients are hospitalized in intensive care, like yesterday, while daily admissions are 40. There are 10,984 hospitalized in ordinary wards, compared to yesterday 53 fewer.

After 5 weeks of increase, the inversion of the curve of the new Covid-19 cases begins: in the week from 13 to 19 July they were in fact 631,700 (with an average of 90,000 per day), compared to 728,700 in the previous week, equal to -13.3%. While deaths continue to increase which were 823 compared to 692 the previous week, with an increase of 18.9%.
This is what the new monitoring of the Gimbe Foundation highlights. In 6 regions there is a percentage increase in cases (from + 0.6% in the Marche to + 28.6% in the Val D’Aosta), while in 15 a decrease (from -0.6% in Piedmont to -18, 8% of Campania).

As Covid-19 cases begin to decline, the burden of the summer surge on hospitals continues to grow. In the week from 13 to 19 July there were 10,975 hospitalized with symptoms in the medical departments, compared to 9,724 in the previous week, or +1,251, equal to + 12.9%. While 413 patients ended up in intensive care compared to 375 in the previous seven days, or + 10.1%. This is what emerges from the new independent monitoring of the Gimbe Foundation. People in home isolation also increased by 7.5%: 1,441,553 compared to 1,340,382 in the previous week.

The administration of the fourth dose of the anti Covid vaccine “skyrockets”: + 190% in 7 days, but “still far from the target of 100 thousand per day and too many regional differences”. As of July 20, there were 1,303,485 fourth doses, with an average of 31,686 administrations per day (up from 11,000 last week). The positives in Italy are “1.45 million and could actually be at least double” with a “likely increase in hospitalizations” in the coming weeks. Hence, it is important to use masks indoors and, above all, to administer the 4 / a dose as soon as possible to over 60 and frail “. This is highlighted by the new Gimbe monitoring.

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