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This is how you can look many years younger with facial yoga

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This is how you can look many years younger with facial yoga

Face yoga can help exercise and tighten the facial muscles, which can lead to an improvement in the complexion. Experts rave about the positive effects. However, the whole thing has a catch. If you want to see results, you should invest a lot of time and be patient.

Washing your face, brushing your teeth, kissing your lips, sticking out your tongue, rolling your eyes: If you incorporate these fun but effective exercises for the facial muscles into your everyday life, you will do something against sagging corners of your mouth or concentration lines and at the same time ensure a happy facial expression and a relaxed mood.

yoga for the face

Wherever muscles move, they can also be trained. If a gluteus can be sculpted and a neck muscle can be stretched, why not our many facial muscles? Under the term Face Yoga, targeted exercises for the forehead, cheeks, mouth and others are finding more and more followers. Doesn’t look as elegant as the “cobra”, but it can make you beautiful and, above all, happy.

Strengthening, stretching, relaxing, staying flexible and always finding your balance – these principles of yoga can also be applied to the face. What is tense is loosened. Anything that sags is trained.

relaxation in the face

About 26 muscles are involved in our facial expressions every day, some more, some less. In the long run, this has an effect on our facial expression and characterizes it with grin lines around the eyes, worry lines on the forehead or a pinched mouth. This can be influenced by consciously perceiving these processes and by deliberately tensing and relaxing.

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Specially designed: Face Yoga is new

Anyone who practices yoga has probably already had the experience that in some poses the face is also involved as if by the way. “The Downward Dog”, for example, ensures good blood circulation there.

Above all, “the lion” is well suited for relaxing the face and neck muscles. Roaring out anger, stress or even joy relaxes the soul. The Japanese Fumiko Takatsu in particular developed targeted exercises specifically for the face and published them under the name Face Yoga.

Pre-workout care

Before each workout, the face should be cleaned and also hands. They take on an important function in many exercises: Fingers hold against them, pull and massage.

If you feel more comfortable with a care product on your facial skin during training, you should make sure that it doesn’t look too lavish. The hands should still find enough grip on the skin afterwards.

This is what you need for facial yoga

The most important tool in face yoga is the mirror. This is the only way to check whether the movements are being carried out correctly. As with full-body training, the muscles in the face should also be loosened and warmed up before the individual parts are specifically trained: the mouth, cheeks and neck, for example, are shaped by kissing the lips.

Wrinkle-free look

For the eye area, there is this exercise: the eyebrows are pulled up and held while the eyelids open and close. In order to achieve a harmonious overall result, the whole face should be moved during each workout. It can be counterproductive to only train one part at a time.

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Routine pays off

For a lasting effect, facial yoga should be routine and practiced at least every other day. Ten to 20 minutes of training is enough. A reward effect sets in quickly. If you keep at it regularly, you can see the first results after a month and a half to two months (and feel the sore muscles even earlier).

A blessing not only for the face

As with traditional yoga, an important aspect of the facial workout is the breath. After each workout, a relaxation session should bring the whole thing to a close.

Why is face yoga so good? It stimulates both the metabolism and the blood circulation, reduces wrinkles and makes the facial expression appear more harmonious and open in the long run. Facial gymnastics can also relieve tension in the jaw and neck area. Above all, it also serves as a relaxation technique.

Since stress, like UV radiation or nicotine, fuels the aging of skin and the like, relaxation is a highly effective anti-aging method.

Good mood of course

Just as you can trick your own mind and put yourself in a better mood by constantly smiling on your face, relaxed facial muscles also contribute to holistic relaxation.

Optically three years younger

US researchers recently examined the visible effects of face yoga. The result of their study was: The age of women who had exercised regularly was estimated to be about three years younger about five months later.

If you want to try Face Yoga, you will find plenty of reading material in stores and instructions on the web. However, especially for the beginning, it is advised to train face to face with an expert in the truest sense of the word until the exercises are correct.

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Face Yoga training is also offered online, individually or in groups. This ensures that the unusual sequences of movements are carried out as they should and that the whole face benefits from them.

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