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what is it for and other frequently asked questions

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what is it for and other frequently asked questions


This article does not replace the leaflet of the drugs nor above all the medical opinion; the answers to the most common questions on the various Brufen references are therefore provided for informational purposes only and should be understood as an expression of the author’s opinion, even if formulated according to science and conscience and above all on the basis of official documents and available scientific literature.

In case of doubts, the reader is therefore invited to refer to his own doctor.

What is Brufen?

Brufen is the trade name of a line of drugs distributed in Italy by Mylan SpA.

Most of the references contain ibuprofen or ibuprofen lysine salt as the active ingredient, then declined in various doses and pharmaceutical forms, including:

  • Brufen Analgesic 12 tablets 200 mg
  • Brufen Analgesic 12 tablets 400 mg
  • Brufen 30 compresses 400 mg
  • Brufen 30 compresses 600 mg
  • Brufen 30 bustine 600 mg
  • Brufen 20 compresse 800 mg RP

Non This article will deal with formulations based on different active ingredients (such as Brufen Pain, a drug based on ketoprofen).

Shutterstock/Africa Studio

What is it for?

From a general point of view, Brufen is an ibuprofen-based anti-inflammatory drug, therefore useful in the treatment of pain and, especially in higher doses, inflammation.

Ibuprofen is also able to exert an antipyretic action (it lowers fever).

The over-the-counter formulations (Brufen Analgesic) can be used for the relief of mild to moderate pain in all conditions that lend themselves to self-medication, such as (non-exhaustive list):

as well as the treatment of fever, associated for example with a cold.

The formulations that instead require a medical prescription (Brufen 400 mg, 600 mg and 800 mg RP), on medical judgment and above all in higher dosages, find application for the treatment of pain and inflammation due to a larger number of pathologies, including (non-exhaustive list):

  • injuries (for example, but not limited to, sports injuries),
  • toothache (e.g. after extraction or more generally dental work),
  • pain after childbirth (subject to the opinion of the pediatrician in case of breastfeeding),
  • menstrual cramps,
  • eye pain (e.g. caused by eye surgery),
  • heachache,
  • pain after surgery.
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The anti-inflammatories belonging to the category of NSAIDs such as Brufen can then be administered to patients suffering from rheumatic diseases, such as:

  • inflammation of muscles, tendons, nerves and joints
  • backache,
  • sciatalgie,
  • degenerative diseases affecting the joints (osteoarthritis), such as cervical, dorsal, lumbar osteoarthritis, ā€¦
  • diffuse osteoarthritis, a progressive and chronic autoimmune disease.

Does it lower the fever?

Yes, ibuprofen has a significant antipyretic effect; in patients without fever, the drug does NOT lower body temperature significantly, except for individual hypersensitivity.

However, it is worth remembering that:

  • fever is an important defense mechanism that does not always need to be turned off, therefore it is always recommended to consult a doctor in advance;
  • in case of persistence of fever it is recommended to contact the doctor for a re-evaluation of the symptoms.

Is it good for cough?

Brufen has no direct action on cough.

Is it good for cold and flu?

Brufen can help relieve specific cold and flu symptoms, such as headache, generally feeling unwell (often described as feeling broken bones) and fever.

Is it good for a sore throat?

Brufen is not registered for the relief of sore throat, but in the opinion of the doctor/pharmacist it may possibly be used for this purpose due to its anti-inflammatory effect.

Need recipe?

The formulations

  • Brufen Analgesic 12 tablets 200 mg
  • Brufen Analgesic 12 tablets 400 mg

They DO NOT require a prescription.

The formulations

  • Brufen 30 compresses 400 mg
  • Brufen 30 compresses 600 mg
  • Brufen 30 bustine 600 mg
  • Brufen 20 compresse 800 mg RP

instead they require a repeatable medical prescription.

Is it loanable?

The formulations that require a medical prescription, in the opinion of the treating physician, can in some cases (note CUF 66) be prescribed through the National Health System.

How is it taken? Every how many hours?

Self-medication dosage

In the case of self-medication the intake is intended for short-term use only, using the “lowest effective dose for the shortest period necessary to relieve symptoms” (minimum effective dose). In general, in adolescents weighing more than 40 kg (usually 12 years or more, but weight is the basis) the recommended dose ranges from ā€œ200 mg to 400 mg up to three times a day, as neededā€.

  • One 400 mg tablet is equivalent to two 200 mg tablets.
  • It is recommended that at least four hours elapse between 200 mg doses and at least six hours between 400 mg doses.
  • Do not take more than 1200 mg in 24 hours (3 tablets of 400 mg).
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Dosage with medical prescription

  • Brufen 400 mg: The recommended dose is 2-4 tablets per day according to the doctor’s advice. The maximum dose is 4 tablets (1600 mg) per day.
  • Brufen 600 mg: The recommended dose is 1-3 tablets/sachets per day according to the doctor’s advice. The maximum dose is 3 tablets (1800 mg) per day.
  • Brufen 800 mg RP: The recommended dose is 2 tablets a day to be taken in a single dose (the formulation is a prolonged release), corresponding to 1600 mg a day.
    In more severe cases, your doctor may increase this dose to a maximum of 3 tablets (2400 mg) per day in divided doses.

In general, we recommend an intake that is equally distributed over time, i.e. leaving approximately the same number of hours between one intake and another, for example:

  • Brufen 400 mg:
    • 1 tablet per day: every 24 hours
    • 2 tablets per day: every 12 hours
    • 3 tablets per day: every 8 hours
    • 4 tablets per day: every 6 hours.
  • Brufen 600 mg:
    • 1 tablet/sachet per day: every 24 hours
    • 2 tablets/sachets per day: every 12 hours
    • 3 tablets/sachets per day: every 8 hours
  • Brufen 800 mg RP:
    • 2 tablets together, every 24 hours.

Especially in the case of chronic intake, it is possible to divide the administration according to meals to reduce the risk of side effects related to the stomach, for example the package leaflet specifies that “if you use BRUFEN for rheumatic diseases, take the first dose in the morning when you wake up and the following meals”.

Should I take it on a full stomach?

Patients with a sensitive stomach should take the tablets with a meal, as well as taking them with food in case of prolonged or chronic therapies.

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Above all in the case of specific pathologies (such as headaches), preferably on medical judgment, it is however possible to evaluate an occasional intake regardless of meals (that is, even on an empty stomach).

How many days can it be taken?

When taken as self-medication, or unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor, Brufen should not be taken for more than 3 days in case of fever, or 4 days in case of pain.

When prescribed by the doctor or specialist, the intake can instead be prolonged over time.

After how long it takes effect

Ibuprofen taken orally is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and maximum concentrations in the blood are reached in about 90 minutes (up to 3 hours if taken with meals).

The half-life, i.e. the time in which the circulating dose is halved, is approximately 2 hours.

Ibuprofen lysine (Brufen analgesic) can boast a faster absorption (35 minutes).

Source: Wikipedia

Side effects

Like all medicines, Brufen can also cause side effects (although not everyone gets them); among the most common are:

It is recommended to refer to the package leaflet for the complete list.

Brufen o Tachipirina?

The choice between Brufen and Tachipirina is essentially made on the basis of two considerations:

  • Brufen contains ibuprofen, a substance with an anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving and anti-pyretic action, while Tachipirina contains paracetamol, a substance with a pain-relieving and anti-pyretic action. In other words, Tachipirina has NO anti-inflammatory action.
  • The two drugs are generally well tolerated, but have a slightly different spectrum of possible side effects and contraindications, which may therefore prompt the doctor/pharmacist to recommend one or the other based on one’s medical history, state of health and previous experiences with the two drugs.

Unless there is a different medical opinion, the two drugs should not be taken at the same time.

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