Home » What is proprioception, what is it for and how is it trained

What is proprioception, what is it for and how is it trained

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What is proprioception, what is it for and how is it trained


Proprioception, we said, is one combination of balance, coordination and agility, so if you want to train her you have to work on these skills. If most of the exercises in your workouts require both feet to be planted on the ground and both hands to be placed on a bar, add movements that don’t require them to your routine as well. You will improve your performance in the gym or in any other sport and in everyday life, as well as reduce the risk of injury.

“You can use a the bossa hemisphere which thanks to its instability allows you to perform simple exercises such as plank or bird dog on an unstable surface. Not only that, if you add to your workout unilateral movements and offsetswhich involve multiple planes of movement and require you to divide your attention, for example, focusing on a weight bearing limb, will improve your proprioceptive awareness and, consequently, your sporting performance”.

The ideal time to train proprioception is before starting the actual workout when the mind is also rested: “In fact, it is the mind that has to acknowledge and implement all those micro adjustment movements to ‘stabilise’ the body which finds itself in a condition of instability. Your neurological system kicks in, sending signals to your brain to relax your muscles and allow them to adapt to new training condition”, conclude il coach.

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