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What women should pay attention to when weight training

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What women should pay attention to when weight training

What are the most common misconceptions about women and weight training and how to disprove them?

To be honest, I don’t understand why there is any prejudice about women and weight training in the (social) media and in parts of society at all. Not even remotely! One doesn’t exclude the other in any way, does it? It is more than commendable when people choose to do something for their health and well-being. Be it cycling, climbing, swimming or even weight training. Both women and men have the right to design their individual training in such a way that it meets their needs and sporting goals. And if this means that women use weights as a means to an end as part of regular training sessions in order to set appropriate training stimuli, I can only support this wholeheartedly. As a man who is enthusiastic about sports, I am happy about everyone (!) who is willing to do something for themselves with sport. Please don’t let any prejudices or people keep you from your dreams, wishes and goals. In this way, I can encourage everyone to recharge their batteries for the challenges of everyday life through sport.

What are the real benefits of weight training for women?

In principle, any specific type of sport is right and important for our health. The real advantages of weight training for women are manifold, whereby a distinction must be made between training with your own body weight, training with the use of minor additional loads such as weight cuffs or small dumbbells and classic strength training with medium and heavy weights.

Training with your own body weight offers advantages for beginners in particular, as basic movement patterns can be learned and gradually improved. Both this type of training and loads with additional low weight can be wonderfully combined with cardiovascular stimuli to carry out a variable training.

Classic weight training with heavy weights and low repetition rates, on the other hand, is aimed at increasing muscle mass. Correct mobilization and warming up of the muscles to be used plays a decisive role here in order to keep the risk of injury low.

Which of the three forms of training you choose depends entirely on your individual sporting and health goals.

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All three forms of training generally lead to an improvement in posture and stability, because regular exercise not only strengthens the muscles, but also improves the stability and alignment of the body. This can help you correct poor posture and reduce back and joint pain.

Finally – and this is probably the most important benefit – training and “working” with one’s body leads to an improvement in mental well-being. Achieving individual goals, good routine and practiced discipline will definitely reduce your stress, increase your self-confidence and lead to a positive self-perception. Believe in yourself and gradually challenge yourself to become better and stronger.

How does weight training affect female body composition? Does it lead to massive muscle or lean fitness?

Ultimately, this is a very simple calculation. The heavier the weights you lift as part of your workouts over time, the more muscle mass you will build. The type of training you choose sets specific stimuli for your muscles. Heavy weights and low repetition numbers lead to an increase in muscle density and this consequently also affects the body shape. You’ll also get heavier overall because you have more muscle mass.

Of course, the body composition still changes, as the muscle structures become more athletic and you also lose body fat through the cardiovascular forms of stress – coupled with the right diet. By building muscle mass, the body’s basal metabolic rate increases, which in turn means that more calories can be burned even at rest. Basically, intensive training sessions lead to an increased metabolism, which also boosts the burning of body fat.

Weight training can also have a positive effect on bone health – especially in women, who are statistically at higher risk of developing osteoporosis. Targeted, regular training with weights naturally also puts a strain on the bones, which can lead to increased bone density. As a result, the likelihood of fractures is also reduced.

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What role does diet play in weight training for women?

Diet always plays a very important role, regardless of whether it is weight training or training without weights. You will only achieve your athletic and health goals if you are just as disciplined in terms of nutrition as you are in practical training sessions.

Proteins are crucial for building muscle mass and also for recovery. So make sure you include enough protein in your diet. A good guideline is 1.2g to 2g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Good and effective sources of protein can be found in lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products or legumes, tofu and quinoa.

Carbohydrates are the basis of training, as they are the main source of energy. Choose complex carbohydrates such as oatmeal, sweet potatoes, whole grain products or even rice and vegetables in order to be able to train intensively and consequently increase your performance. All of the foods mentioned here provide long-lasting energy that your body can constantly fall back on. They also keep blood sugar levels stable.

Avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and fish like salmon and mackerel provide healthy fats that are crucial for hormone balance and overall health.

Also make sure you are well hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids. The goal should be to keep your body hydrated to ensure optimal performance. Start the day with a large glass of lukewarm water to get the body’s system going straight away and not spend the whole day chasing a fluid deficit.

How can women safely and effectively start weight training, especially if they have never lifted weights before?

Set yourself clear and specific goals before you start weight training. Define what and when you want to achieve it. Is pure muscle building the goal or do you want to become healthier and fitter in general? Goals help you to plan your individual training and to stick to this routine with motivation.

For beginners, it is advisable to start with a full-body workout, in which all muscle groups are stimulated in one training session. This gives you the basis for a balanced development of the body and prevents muscular imbalance, which in turn can lead to poor posture or injuries. Classic exercises for a full body workout are, for example, squats, bench presses, rows, shoulder presses or deadlifts.

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Quality always beats quantity! Therefore, learn the movement patterns and technique of each exercise before increasing the weight. The right training is crucial to achieve your goals, prevent overtraining or even avoid injury.

In order to get better, I recommend that all of the athletes I support keep a training diary, regardless of whether they are a beginner or an Olympic champion. Taking progression into account is crucial. You will only achieve your goals if you increase your training intensity over time – that is, increase the weight or increase the complexity. If you can literally see “black and white” what and how much you have achieved so far, you can define exactly the next training steps. It also helps you visualize your goals and stay motivated.

Finally, make sure you have a good rest too. Give your body enough time and opportunities to adapt and regenerate. Muscles don’t grow during the training session (this is just the increased blood supply to the working muscles), but during rest. Therefore, in the spirit of supercompensation, plan appropriate rest days between training sessions to avoid injury and overtraining.

Be consistent and focused in everything you do. Continuous training is the key to success. To your own personal goal. Stick to the routine you have set while being patient. Results in training require time and regular, correctly set stimuli.

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