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What you should know at a glance

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What you should know at a glance

Monstera ‘Monkey Leaf’ (Monstera adansonii) gets its name from its large, heart-shaped leaves, which develop holes as the plant ages. Native to Central and South America, the tropical climber is usually grown indoors. Their bold yet elegant appearance adds personality to any room and requires little attention. As you will see in this article, caring for Monstera adansonii couldn’t be easier!

Monstera adansonii – What you should know

Monstera adansonii belongs to the plant family Araceae. These climbing plants look a lot like their cousin Monstera deliciosa, but don’t grow as tall. Also, unlike most other Monstera deliciosa species, the edges of Monstera deliciosa’s leaves remain closed throughout their lives, allowing them to retain their holey appearance.

Notice: The popularity of Monstera as a houseplant is growing and Monstera adansonii is becoming increasingly popular. However, be aware that all parts of the Monstera plants are poisonous to pets. So be careful when growing her in your home.

Overview of the species of Monstera “Monkey Leaf”:

  • delicious monstera: The leaves of this species are larger than those of Monstera adansonii.
  • Monstera borsigiana: This is a smaller and faster growing form of Monstera deliciosa.
  • Oblique monsters: This is a rare species that looks similar to Monstera adansonii, but its leaves are thinner and have more holes.

Care for Monstera adansonii – Take care of these conditions

Monstera adansonii look very similar to their cousin Monstera deliciosa

Regular water and nutrient supply is the most important task when caring for Monstera adansonii. You may also want to do some maintenance pruning to get the vine to the desired size.

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Indirect sunlight and enough water

Care for Monstera adansonii - Indirect sunlight and enough water

Licht: Since the creeper is from the tropics, Monstera adansonii needs sunlight, but bright and indirect is best. It is used to thriving under the shelter of large trees in the jungle, and the foliage can burn easily if exposed to too much direct sun. If direct sunlight is unavoidable, limit it to two or three hours of morning sun.

Water: These plants like it evenly moist, but not waterlogged. Before you water your Monstera adansonii, stick your finger about 3 cm deep into the soil. When the soil feels almost dry, it’s time to water the plant. Keep watering until a little water runs out of the container’s drainage holes.

Care for Monstera adansonii – soil and fertilizer

Monstera Monkey Leaf does best in peaty potting soil

Boden: Monstera ‘Monkey Leaf’ thrives best in peaty potting soil, which will help retain moisture in the soil without waterlogging. Aim for a pH between 5.5 and 7 for vigorous growth.

Find out here how you can measure the pH value of the soil yourself!

fertilizer: After potting (or repotting) the plant, wait at least four to six months to fertilize it, as the potting soil usually already contains slow-release fertilizer. Fertilize your Swiss cheese plant monthly thereafter with an all-purpose liquid fertilizer diluted by half.

High temperatures and humidity

These plants thrive in very high humidity and high temperatures. The closer you can mimic the plant’s natural conditions, the better. Make sure that your plant is always in a place that is warmer than 5 degrees Celsius and protect it from drafts. Humidity above 50 percent is ideal. A warm, well-lit bathroom is a good spot for Monstera Monkey Leaf. If you want to increase the humidity, spray the vine or use a humidifier.

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How should you cut the crooked window leaf

How should you cut the crooked window leaf

Monstera is a climbing plant that may need pruning if it gets too big for you. If you should prune the Monstera, it is best to do so in the spring. Cut back the stems no more than 25 percent with sterile pruning shears. Also remove any damaged leaves.

Common problems with Monstera adansonii

When do yellow leaves appear on Monstera Monkey Leaf

When the creeper grows in the conditions it likes, it usually doesn’t face any serious problems. However, if you cannot meet the plant’s needs at home, it is susceptible to some common problems.

  • Monstera ‘Monkey Leaf’ – Yellow Leaves: Yellowing of the leaves is usually the result of overwatering. Make sure your plant is never in wet soil and allow it to dry out slightly between waterings.
  • Monstera ‘Monkey Leaf’ – Black Leaves: Black spots on the leaves can be a sign of leaf burns from direct sunlight. Watch your plant throughout the day to make sure it’s not in direct sun for too long.

How do you know if your plant is happy?: It shows deep green, waxy leaves and no discoloration.

Conclusion on the topic of care for Monstera adansonii : As long as you can provide warm, moist conditions, these climbers are relatively easy to care for.

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