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World Asperger Syndrome Day Periodic Daily

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World Asperger Syndrome Day Periodic Daily

hands show information on blackboard: asperger syndrome. Medical concept.

World Asperger’s Syndrome Day is celebrated on February 18 each year. The goal is to raise awareness of the condition of those affected by Asperger’s syndrome, which has now been replaced in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, now in its fifth edition, by the definition of ‘level 1 autism spectrum disorder, without intellectual impairment and associated language’.

What is Asperger’s Syndrome?

In a few days, on February 18, 2023, World Asperger’s Syndrome Day will be celebrated. The goal is to raise awareness of the condition of those affected by this syndrome.

Asperger’s Syndrome it is a developmental disorder that affects the communication and socialization skills of the individual who suffers from it. The individual is apparently devoid of interest in others, indifferent to social relationships and often excessively preoccupied with particular situations, such as timetables.
In the DSM-V, Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, it falls under the so-called autism spectrum disorders, a framework to which autism also belongs. We are talking about autism spectrum disorders because there is not a single form of autism, but a wide variety, each with different characteristics.

Asperger’s syndrome corresponds to the persistent impairment in mutual social communications and social interactions in different contexts and in the performance of repetitive and restricted behavioral patterns. These are characteristics that have been present since childhood. However, they can only manifest themselves when the first social relationships begin.

The causes of Asperger’s Syndrome

The causes of Asperger’s Syndrome are unclear.
It appears to be caused by a genetic mutation, i.e. a change in the structure of DNA. As well as from the brain and its alterations. While the connection between the syndrome and childhood vaccinations is discarded.

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Manifestations of Asperger’s Syndrome

Manifestations of Asperger’s Syndrome include problems with understanding the thoughts and feelings of others. As well as difficulty interacting with others and sharing thoughts and feelings. And again, non-verbal communication difficulties.

The first manifestations of Asperger’s Syndrome

The first manifestations of Asperger’s Syndrome appear at around 2-3 years of age. Generally, these only become definite symptoms when the individual goes to school and begins to interact with peers and teachers on a daily basis.

Symptoms of Asperger’s Syndrome

The manifestations that must be observed to evaluate the presence of Asperger’s Syndrome are:

  • the isolation, the difficulty
  • performing repetitive actions and excessive concentration on a single task;
  • manifestation of excessive reactions to sensory stimuli;
  • lack of interest in emotional displays with limited facial expressions.

The characteristic symptoms of Asperger’s syndrome concern the areas of language, social relationships and communication. As well as motor skills, behavior and daily interests.

It is important to understand that it is not manifested by cognitive or language delay, but a delay in the maturity of social relationships and reasoning.

They respect a very rigid routine, creating rituals in their daily life. This is because they need a very personal order of things. Just as special interests develop from the second or third year of age through an interest in seemingly insignificant parts of an object.

How do people with Asperger’s Syndrome feel emotionally?

The emotions that people with Asperger’s Syndrome experience are generally very intense and bring great suffering. They experience the “meltdown”, or crisis of uncontrolled anger generally directed towards objects, but also with possible self-harm implications. Or with the “shutdown”, which is an involuntary reaction of closing oneself off to protect oneself from an excess of stimulation.

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They feel the desire to be with other people, but they don’t know how to do it. Thus, they can also be seen as not very empathetic. The problem is that they are unable to decode the behaviors and ways of doing of others. And this does not allow those suffering from Asperger’s Syndrome to understand their emotions and put themselves in their shoes.

How is Asperger’s Syndrome treated?

There is no cure for Asperger’s Syndrome. However, there are some aspects to work on. They are:

  • the communicative aspect and difficult social interactions. This is achieved if non-verbal communication and the ability to interact with other people improve. This is done through speech therapy and applied behavior analysis;
  • attachment to habitual objects and patterns. One can gradually learn to control excessive preoccupation with a given topic and to withdraw from one’s habits. It is achieved through the support of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy;
  • depression, hyperactivity if present and anxiety. They can be managed through psychotherapy and occupational therapy.

It is important, for the care of the person with Asperger’s Syndrome, to follow a path of family therapy involving parents and siblings. This, through appropriate behaviors, can help those affected in managing the disorder.

While, drug therapy allows you to moderate anxiety, depression and other deficits that may be present.

Origin of World Asperger’s Syndrome Day

On February 18, 1906, Hans Asperger was born, an Austrian pediatrician to whom the name of the syndrome has been linked since 1994. In fact, in the early 1940s he diagnosed what is now part of the autism spectrum disorder.

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This is how the awareness day dedicated to understanding and raising awareness towards children and adults who experience an emotional-relational lack on a daily basis takes its name.

Objectives of the World Asperger Syndrome Day of February 18, 2023

The day aims to raise awareness on the condition of people with Asperger’s Syndrome. As well as educating the general population and highlighting the challenges people with Asperger’s face.

Also, it aims to promote knowledge of this specific autism spectrum disorder, also in relation to projects and protocols to be followed.


Asperger’s Syndrome should not become a social stigma or be thought of as a disease. It is a different way of seeing and perceiving the world.

There is no cure for Asperger’s Syndrome, in fact it is not a disease. But those affected can learn to manage the difficulties and discomforts. For example, learning to improve social relationships and interactions, including through specific therapies.

The date of February 18 must also serve as a moment of reflection on Asperger’s Syndrome and on how important it is to acquire awareness of the early onset of symptoms and the behavioral mechanisms associated with the disorder.

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1 comment

I disagree with this article. February 13, 2023 - 1:04 am

Please don’t silence my voice. I’m merely trying to put a comment here. Let me have my say.
I’m autistic and I find it offputting that you claim that autism can’t be cured. You don’t speak for me with this article.


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