Home » [전문] Adoption of Joint Declaration on the 70th Anniversary of the ROK-US Alliance… Washington Declaration, Technical Dialogue, etc.

[전문] Adoption of Joint Declaration on the 70th Anniversary of the ROK-US Alliance… Washington Declaration, Technical Dialogue, etc.

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[전문] Adoption of Joint Declaration on the 70th Anniversary of the ROK-US Alliance…  Washington Declaration, Technical Dialogue, etc.

▲President Yoon Seok-yeol and US President Joe Biden, who made a state visit to the United States, enter a joint press conference held in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, DC on the 26th (local time). (yunhap news)

President Yoon Seok-yeol and US President Joe Biden adopted a joint statement on the 26th (local time) to mark the 70th anniversary of the ROK-US alliance.

President Yoon and President Biden held a Korea-US summit at the White House on this day and adopted the’Washington Declaration’ containing the creation of the Nuclear Consultative Group (NCG), the creation of the’Next Generation Core and Emerging Technology Dialogue’ between the two countries’ National Security Council (NSC), and the’ The ‘Joint Statement on the 70th Anniversary of the ROK-U.S. Alliance’ was adopted, including a joint statement on the signing of the Strategic Cyber ​​Security Cooperation Framework.

Below is an unofficial Korean translation distributed by the Yongsan Presidential Office.

Joint Statement by the Presidents of the Republic of Korea and the United States in Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the ROK-US Alliance

Today, United States President Joseph R. Biden and Republic of Korea President Yoon Seok-yeol met in Washington to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the ROK-US alliance. This is the second state visit by the Biden-Harris administration. Our two countries are inextricably bound to each other by deep and unshakable security cooperation, and through the commitment of the two leaders to further advance the mutual defense and alliance deterrence posture set forth in today’s Washington Declaration to a stronger level than ever, that security cooperation is strengthened. While further strengthened, the ROK-US Alliance’s greatest success lies in its clear and expanding focus on achieving a safer and brighter future for South Korea and the American people. Together, we will meet the toughest challenges of the 21st century head-on by increasing comprehensive global cooperation, deepening strong regional engagement, and expanding iron-clad bilateral relations over the next 70 years. Based on our shared commitment to universal human rights, freedom, and the rule of law, the United States and the Republic of Korea are building an alliance that will provide a firm foundation for prosperity and security for future generations.

Global Comprehensive Strategic Alliance

A key pillar of peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region, the ROK-US Alliance has grown far beyond the Korean Peninsula, reflecting the essential roles of both countries as global leaders in promoting democracy, economic prosperity, security, and technological innovation. The two leaders reaffirmed their commitment to the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations. President Biden will host the next democracy summit, further develop partnerships with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the G7 summit based on common values, and continue to expand contributions to UN peacekeeping operations. Korea’s initiatives to fulfill greater international responsibilities, such as President Yoon expressed support for the United States‘ cooperative efforts to ensure peace and security in the region, including the launch of AUKUS. President Yoon and President Biden viewed international development cooperation as a key way to promote international stability, and welcomed the signing of a new institutional-based document that further strengthens development cooperation between the two countries.

President Yoon and President Biden stand in solidarity with the international community in condemning Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. The ROK and the United States stand with Ukraine defending their sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the two leaders condemned in the strongest terms Russia’s actions against civilians and critical infrastructure. Both countries have responded decisively to Russia’s flagrant violations of international law by holding it accountable through sanctions and export control measures, and the two countries have also responded to essential political, security, humanitarian, and other essential missions, including to expand electricity generation and transmission and rebuild critical infrastructure. We will continue to support Ukraine by providing economic assistance.

President Biden and President Yoon reaffirm their commitment to diplomacy with North Korea as the only means to achieve lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula, and urge North Korea to return to negotiations. The two leaders are determined to create a better future for all members of the Korean Peninsula, and support a free and peaceful unified Korean Peninsula. The ROK and the United States are prepared to provide humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable North Koreans, and will strengthen cooperation to promote human rights in North Korea and address the issue of abductees, detainees, and unrepatriated POWs. President Biden reaffirmed his support for the goal of the Republic of Korea’s ‘Bold Initiative’. Our two countries condemn North Korea’s blatant violation of the human rights and dignity of its people and its decision to channel scarce resources into the development of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), thereby posing a serious security challenge to the ROK-US alliance. In this context, the two leaders condemn North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs and call for an end to these developments. The ROK and the United States agreed to work together with the UN Security Council and the international community to respond to violations of UN Security Council resolutions by North Korea and individuals and organizations. President Biden and President Yoon reaffirm their commitment to the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, and reaffirm that North Korea’s nuclear test will face a strong and resolute response from the international community.

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The two Leaders expressed deep concern over the increasing impact of climate change and biodiversity loss, and committed to stimulating global action to address the climate crisis. President Yoon and President Biden reaffirmed the two countries’ national greenhouse gas reduction targets (NDC) and 2050 carbon neutrality targets under the Paris Agreement. Recognizing the need for ambitious decarbonization of the electricity sector to achieve these goals, the two leaders agreed to significantly increase the share of clean electricity, including renewable and nuclear energy. The two leaders agreed to cooperate in the development and deployment of carbon reduction, renewable energy and hydrogen technologies, and strengthen energy efficiency in industry, construction and transportation. The two leaders committed to seeking strengthening bilateral cooperation to accelerate the deployment of zero-emission light vehicles (ZEVs), with a target of at least 40% of sales by 2030, along with clean hydrogen, methane reduction in the fossil fuel sector and green shipping.

Both countries commit to the peaceful use of nuclear energy. The two leaders confirmed the importance of nuclear energy as an important factor in overcoming the energy security crisis and achieving the goal of carbon neutrality. The two leaders commit to engage in global civil nuclear cooperation in a manner consistent with the Additional Protocols to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), while mutually respecting each country’s export control regulations and intellectual property rights. The two leaders committed to promoting the responsible development and deployment of civil nuclear power worldwide by leveraging financing tools, strengthening recipient country capacity, and building more resilient nuclear power supply chains.

President Yoon and President Biden commit to strengthen bilateral cooperation on research and development that will lead to increased investment that will fuel the growth of digital content and cloud computing. The United States and the Republic of Korea recognize the importance of an open, global, interoperable, reliable, and secure Internet that allows data to flow freely across borders based on trust. The two leaders see high digital trade norms as the road to an open and fair digital economy. Recognizing the importance of communication security and operator diversity, the two leaders also committed to work together to advance open, transparent and secure 5G and 6G network equipment and architecture using the Open-RAN approach at home and abroad. do.

Expanding cooperation across the Indo-Pacific

The two Leaders recognized the importance of keeping a free and open Indo-Pacific region connected, prosperous, secure and resilient, and agreed to strengthen mutual cooperation across the region. In this respect, President Biden welcomed Korea’s first Indo-Pacific strategy as a reflection of the two countries’ shared regional commitments. The two leaders confirmed that they would cooperate in the implementation of their respective Indo-Pacific strategies, especially in addressing climate change, access to sustainable energy and food insecurity, the voices of the Indo-Pacific in multilateral forums are important. recognized that it was.

The Republic of Korea and the United States of America support an inclusive, free and fair trade regime, and commit to working together with peers in addressing threats to ensure a prosperous future for the ROK-US alliance and the Indo-Pacific region. The two countries share deep concerns about and express opposition to the harmful use of economic influence, including the use of economic coercion and opaque means involving foreign companies, and will work together with similar entry countries to counter economic coercion. The two countries commit to building a regional partnership and coordinating measures to detect and respond to potential supply chain disruptions and strengthen resilience. The United States and the Republic of Korea intend to provide resources for technical assistance, capacity development, and other cooperative initiatives to support the high level of performance of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), and will seek to secure relevant financial resources for this purpose. will be. President Biden welcomed President Yoon’s announcement that the 4th round of negotiations on the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) would be held in Busan during this year. The two countries also pledged to further strengthen bilateral cooperation at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum.

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The two leaders emphasized the importance of trilateral cooperation between Korea, the United States and Japan based on common values, driven by innovation, and committed to common prosperity and security. President Biden welcomed President Yoon’s sweeping measures to improve Korea-Japan relations, and strongly supported the expansion of cooperation between Korea and Japan, which leads to deepening trilateral cooperation on regional and economic security. The two leaders welcomed progress in real-time sharing of North Korean missile warning information, and confirmed that anti-submarine warfare and maritime missile defense exercises had become regular to more effectively deter and respond to North Korea’s evolving nuclear and missile threats. The two leaders also discussed plans to resume maritime interdiction and anti-piracy exercises and to identify additional forms of trilateral training related to disaster response and humanitarian assistance.

The two leaders reaffirmed the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait as an essential element of regional security and prosperity. The two leaders strongly opposed any attempt to unilaterally change the status quo in the Indo-Pacific, including illegal maritime claims, militarization of land reclamation and coercive actions. President Yoon and President Biden also reaffirmed their commitment to preserving unhindered commerce, freedom of navigation and overflight, and other lawful uses of the sea in the region, including the South China Sea and beyond, as set forth in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

The two Leaders committed to expanding cooperation with Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands to advance resilient health systems, sustainable development, climate resilience and adaptation, energy security and digital connectivity. The two leaders shared a commitment to ASEAN centrality, as well as to enhancing direct cooperation on regional development assistance, especially programs within the Mekong subregion, through exchanges between new employees and peer-to-peer learning. The two leaders reaffirmed Korea’s decision to hold the first Korea-Pacific Islands Summit in May and the two countries’ commitment to contribute to the Pacific region through cooperation such as the “Blue Pacific Partnership.”

Strengthening iron-clad bilateral cooperation

The ROK-US relationship is defined by the long-standing investment, trade, technology and people-to-people exchanges between the two countries, which have led to significant economic opportunity and prosperity for both countries and will continue to do so for the next 70 years. The ROK and the United States committed to address trade-related concerns, including semiconductors, steel and other key commodities, through the KORUS FTA implementation committees and other relevant channels. Reaffirming their recognition of the foreign exchange market cooperation discussed in May and September 2022, the two countries agreed to continue to consult closely on foreign exchange market trends to promote sustainable growth and financial stability.

President Biden and President Yoon confirmed the need for bold investments to build a clean energy economy and establish and strengthen a mutually beneficial supply chain ecosystem for key technologies of both countries. In this regard, the two leaders appreciated the recent efforts by the United States and the Republic of Korea to alleviate the concerns of Korean companies regarding the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the Semiconductor Science Act. The two Leaders committed to continuing close consultations to ensure that the Act encourages mutually beneficial business investment in the United States by creating predictable conditions for business activity. The two leaders also agreed to identify research and development cooperation opportunities in the fields of advanced semiconductors, advanced packaging and advanced materials.

The two leaders pledged to further enhance the economic security of the two countries by deepening and expanding cooperation on core and emerging technologies, including the establishment of the “Next Generation Core and Emerging Technology Dialogue” led by the US National Security Advisor and the ROK National Security Office Director. did The two leaders agreed to more closely align the spirit of digital technology standards and regulations to promote public and private cooperation on cutting-edge semiconductors, batteries and quantum devices. The two leaders also noted cooperation on artificial intelligence (AI), biotechnology, artificial intelligence (AI)-powered medical products, and biomanufacturing. Recognizing the need to take appropriate measures to ensure national security while maintaining a resilient global semiconductor supply chain and keeping pace with rapid technological progress, the Leaders reaffirmed the importance of deepening cooperation between the two countries’ foreign investment screening and export control authorities. . The two leaders welcomed the signing of the Joint Statement on Bilateral Information Science and Technology Cooperation between the ROK and the U.S., and urged efforts to conclude a ROK-U.S. defense mutual procurement agreement to strengthen cooperation in the global defense industry.

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President Yoon and President Biden recognized that the alliance applies to cyberspace, and agreed to conclude a Korea-US strategic cybersecurity cooperation framework. The ROK and the United States will use this framework to expand cooperation on deterring cyber adversaries, promote cybersecurity of critical infrastructure, combat cybercrime, and protect virtual currencies and blockchain applications. The two leaders expressed concern about North Korea’s illicit cyber activities that finance North Korea’s illicit weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs. It was decided to raise awareness of the international community.

Our alliance also applies to space, and President Yoon and President Biden promised to further strengthen the ROK-US alliance through various channels of space cooperation across all fields. The two leaders welcomed the Republic of Korea’s willingness to expand investment in space exploration, and announced plans for research on the concept of cooperative exploration of the moon and Mars. The United States welcomed the establishment of the Korea Aerospace Administration in anticipation of cooperative projects. The two sides urged strengthening commercial space cooperation between the two countries and welcomed the recent clarification by the United States of export control policies for satellites and satellite components that provide the basis for expanded commercial and intergovernmental space cooperation between the two countries. Both sides welcomed the possibility of industrial collaboration on future commercial space stations. The two leaders also welcomed the deepening of space security cooperation, including the Republic of Korea’s commitment to halt the test of a destructive anti-satellite missile. The two sides will work to maintain a safe, stable and sustainable space environment by strengthening space situational awareness cooperation between the two countries in response to increasing space risks and threats, while further advancing codes of responsible conduct.

With the common goal of promoting broadening and deepening understanding through quality education, the United States and the Republic of Korea will promote people-to-people ties between the peoples of the two countries and educational cooperation for future generations in the humanities, social sciences, and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). decided to deepen. The two leaders announced a new educational exchange initiative jointly financed by the two countries, worth 60 million dollars, which is aimed at 2,023 Koreans and 2,023 Americans, symbolizing 2023 in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the ROK-US alliance. The initiative will include 200 scholars under the Fulbright Scholarship Program, the largest scholarship ever awarded in a STEM field in Fulbright’s history. Presidents Biden and President Yoon note that our mutual prosperity and global competitiveness depend on our ability to empower all our people, especially women, to participate and contribute to the economy in all sectors and at all levels. did

From developing resilient supply chains and investing in key technologies and strategic areas, such as semiconductors and key minerals, to responding to the climate crisis and accelerating the clean energy transition, the two countries are deepening and expanding every aspect of their bilateral relationship at a breakneck pace. . The next 70 years of the ROK-US alliance will be the most brilliant ever. President Biden and President Yoon reaffirmed their common will to constantly strive to further expand and deepen bilateral relations as an ‘acting alliance moving forward into the future’.

President Yoon expressed gratitude for President Biden’s warm hospitality and invited President Biden to visit Korea again at a mutually convenient time.

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