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“an activity permeated by the mafia”

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“an activity permeated by the mafia”

Mototaxis is an activity that has gotten out of control and has become a ‘headache’ for the Neiva Mayor’s Office. This situation that exists in the various intermediate cities and even in the main capitals of the country, generates concern, since this problem is due to many causes. A union leader assured that more actions are needed and they will continue in the fight demanding the right to work.


By: Johan Edward Rojas Lopez

According to an estimate between 3,000 and 4,000 people will be exercising the activity of motorcycle taxis in the city of Neiva. Despite the controls, subpoenas and alternatives that have been offered from the institutional framework, it seems that the situation is not improving.

Luisa Fernanda Robles Rodríguez, Secretary of Mobility of Neiva, pointed out that, in response to this, quite important operational work has been carried out that today allows them to have important results regarding the progress of what they have found. This is how, during the 2022 term, there was a 300% increase in efforts to combat illegality and informality and, in this sense, they have led a process that not only has to do with operational work, but also carrying out a work of social accompaniment.

Faced with this situation, he even assured that the activity is permeated by some mafias, which is, apparently, an open secret.

This problem that is experienced at the national level has evidenced the specific responsibilities that assist the transit authorities, who have a commitment to the transport sector and the citizenry since they have evidenced after an audit that there are many transport routes that have been Abandoned for various reasons, which has allowed motorcycle taxis to increase in those parts of the city given the need for a means of transportation in those areas. Therefore, a reorganization of the routes is sought in a joint effort with the different companies authorized to offer this service.

For this, the support of security organizations such as the Neiva Metropolitan Police is required immediately, because many routes have been suspended due to the insecurity that plagues the capital of Huilense.

“Within the roadmap we are focused on the recovery of the city center and within that some crash plans have been established, some punctual, permanent and constant controls. In addition, some mobile controls have been carried out at some collection points that some people who practice this activity have. I want to clarify that we have nothing against anyone who carries out an activity, but the connotation of that activity is currently that it is illegal,” said the portfolio manager.

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Under this logic, he said that the national government will also have to take a position on this problem that all cities in Colombia are experiencing today, thus seeking a way to regulate this complex situation.

He insisted that he understands that many of the motorcycle taxi drivers carry out this activity to bring livelihood to the homes, but the reality is that there are some people who have taken advantage of that need to commit criminal acts and abusive sexual acts, and therefore, they must act.

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An activity permeated by the mafia

Faced with this situation, he even assured that the activity is permeated by some mafias, which is, apparently, an open secret.

He also explained that “they themselves state that there are people who have 40 or 50 rented motorcycles, taking advantage of people’s needs and have monopolized that activity. In addition to this, there are people who are using this type of activity that today is considered illegal to traffic drugs, traffic stolen items and act criminally.

Areas with the greatest presence of motorcycle taxis

Based on the above, many people are demanding that drastic measures be taken. Added to this, many of the motorcycle taxi drivers have not wanted to register in order to establish concrete figures and advance in the process.

Apart from the downtown area of ​​the city, the area where this activity is being carried out the most is in the communes 4, 6, 8, 9 and 10. At this point it is essential to remember that a social commitment was made to provide support and support alternatives. to be able to give them some aid so that they can apply for some productive projects for the sake of migrating from that illegality.

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“They have been given the options of some productive units precisely so that in the development of these tasks they could have some kind of benefit, but it has also been difficult for them to organize themselves inside. We have even raised these issues with security agencies because our traffic agents have received threats to their lives and integrity by people who carry out this type of activity,” added Robles Rodríguez.

He made it clear that the controls that are carried out are positive, however, the restrictions and decrees are not.

Compared by informality

Due to the pandemic, very few subpoenas were made, but during the previous period there was an increase of 500 subpoenas for D12, that is, for driving illegally. For all of the above, it is that work continues in this line since the transit authority must tend to guarantee the duly established public transport service. “We cannot treat this with warm water wipes because we have processes that are not forceful in that area,” he concluded.

Alternative to mitigate unemployment

Yesid Chacón, president of the Neiva section of the national motorcycle workers union, in response to this situation, stated that it is no secret to anyone that motorcycle taxis have been in the country for more than 25 years due to the wave of unemployment and lack of opportunities in Colombia.

“If we talk about independent workers, we are saying that close to 80% of people live by rummaging, that is, people who do not even have a minimum wage to take home. Neiva has been one of the cities that has not evolved labor and, therefore, the issue of the working motor is a little big, ”she asserted.

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This increase is registered, according to the leader, because some people come to the city to carry out the work of motorcycle taxis from the nearest towns, corregimiento and villages. So the lack of opportunities has generated that they have to resort to this.

Before the census expressed by the Ministry of Mobility, Yesid Chacón, said that, in effect, many motorcycle taxi drivers did not want to get tired for fear of possible persecutions or eventualities with the institutionality. In other words, the little participation occurred due to the lack of confidence that the informant and mayor have.

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He made it clear that the controls that are carried out are positive, however, the restrictions and decrees are not. “We have several years of experience where some public sectors have been marginalized and privatized, prohibiting the barbecue. The privatization of the downtown area of ​​Neiva does not harm not only the motor worker, but also all motorcyclists as such, and that has been of no use, it has become a business that favors some sectors. Here they harm those who honestly work to support their family. Even the workers have also been harmed, robbed and there is no one to help them, we just need more serious and committed controls, more not focused on finishing us off, ”he reported.

For him, it is unfair that motorcycle taxi drivers are blamed or stigmatized for the criminal acts recorded, since, possibly, they are not even people who carry out the activity, but rather, some who camouflage themselves as them to commit their ‘misdeeds’. ‘. In that sense, these people do not care about harming others.

For him it is unfair that motorcycle taxi drivers are blamed or stigmatized for the criminal acts registered

He also added that, “moto-taxi mafias must exist, but I am not aware of it. It is presumed that even public officials are immersed in it, but there is no investigation to guarantee that. There are people who work on rented motorcycles, but we have not been able to find out if there are business networks because those who have to investigate have never done so and there is no certainty, it only remains rumors. Motorcycle taxis can be eradicated with opportunities, but there are no guarantees, or projects that are forceful against this because the authorities themselves do not allow it. We are not illegal, but informal, that is important to clarify.”

Finally, he emphasized that they have been fighting for the right to work and defending workers’ rights for 20 years, therefore, they hope that President Gustavo Petro will act against this, while they continue in the fight.

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