Home » Appreciate the hero flowers and visit the hero city!Hongmian Bus takes you to visit the red attractions in Guangzhou – Guangzhou Daily Ocean Network

Appreciate the hero flowers and visit the hero city!Hongmian Bus takes you to visit the red attractions in Guangzhou – Guangzhou Daily Ocean Network

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Guangzhou, China is currently abuzz with activities to honor its heroes and celebrate its rich history.

One such event is the “Heroes Blooming Hero City” exhibition, where thousands of drones illuminated the night sky with dazzling displays. The drones formed shapes and patterns that paid tribute to the city’s heroes and the sacrifices they made for the greater good.

In addition to the drone show, visitors can also embark on a tour with Hongmian Bus to explore the red attractions in Guangzhou. These sites highlight the city’s historical significance and offer a glimpse into the past.

Furthermore, the “City of Reading” is hosting the “Red Cotton Poetry Festival” in March, inviting poetry enthusiasts to come together and celebrate the power of words.

Meanwhile, the Guangzhou Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall is showcasing the “kapok king,” a magnificent display of 80,000 buds that bloom year after year. This exhibition highlights the beauty of nature and the city’s dedication to preserving its heritage.

Overall, Guangzhou is a city rich in culture and history, and these events serve as a reminder of the importance of honoring the past and celebrating the heroes who have shaped the city into what it is today.

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