Home » Bulgarian edict? Maybe – Il Fatto Quotidiano

Bulgarian edict? Maybe – Il Fatto Quotidiano

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Bulgarian edict?  Maybe – Il Fatto Quotidiano

Having been a triggering cause, I think I am entitled to speak of the Bulgarian edict pronounced by Prime Minister B. on 18.4.2002 in Sofia to ask the Rai top management to oust Biagi, Santoro and Luttazzi, guilty of having hosted me to talk about the relations between B and the mafia (“criminal use of public television”). Since he had just appointed the Rai executives, B. was immediately granted. And since he owned (and owns) the three Mediaset networks and had made an agreement with Tronchetti Provera’s Telecom to suffocate the newborn La7 in its cradle, the purged did not find another TV, despite the enormous following. Santoro was reinstated by the Court in 2006. Biagi returned in 2007, six months before his death. Luttazzi never returned, apart from the Decameron on La7, which closed it in 2007 in the fifth episode. Meanwhile, since the purges worked wonderfully, Rai dell’Annunziata also closed Raiot by Sabina Guzzanti after the first episode. And another dozen artists and journalists disappeared, including Beha and Massimo Fini. The common denominator of the victims of those edicts was that they were free, uncontrollable people, without parties of reference. In the fake FI-Pd bipolarity, turning off the voices that didn’t obey anyone was convenient for everyone.

We thought that nothing was worse than that leaden cloak of consociational conformism, then Renzi arrived to prove us wrong: by law he enslaved Rai to the government and took over all three networks and the news, which made Gabanelli, Giannini, Giletti and Porro disappear. But the new La7 in Cairo pays more attention to share than to politics and took the first three, while the fourth went to Rete4. Today’s is a completely different story, even if Salvini claims a ousting of Fazio that did not take place. Fazio knows that only the Democratic Party likes him, with whom he shares the conformist vision by nature and mainstream, and to stand on the balls to the right; he understood that they would put a spoke in his works; and he prevented the attack by signing with the Nine. In any company, anyone who lets a star of that caliber slip by would be fired with damages claims from the shareholders. But Rai is not a company, it’s a lupanare (it was enough to attend the repulsive “tank show” of Zelensky’s bedside rugs on Saturday). Who let Fazio slip is not the new Sergio, yet in the chest: it’s the old one, Fuortes, from the Pd area placed there by Draghi, who kept the renewal of the contract in the drawer to please the new bosses. Then he pleased them by leaving prematurely without them being able to dislodge him. No edict: the purges must be deserved and Biagi, Santoro and Luttazzi are not seen. Even if Meloni were tempted by a Bulgarian or Ukrainian edict, she would not make it in time: she would be anticipated and granted before opening her mouth.

Source: Bulgarian edict? Maybe – Il Fatto Quotidiano

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