Home » Conveying Hope and Confidence for the Cause of Human Peace and Development——President Xi Jinping’s 2023 New Year’s Greetings Aroused Enthusiastic Responses in the International Community- Chinadaily.com

Conveying Hope and Confidence for the Cause of Human Peace and Development——President Xi Jinping’s 2023 New Year’s Greetings Aroused Enthusiastic Responses in the International Community- Chinadaily.com

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Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 1. Title: Conveying hope and confidence for the cause of human peace and development——President Xi Jinping’s 2023 New Year’s message sparked enthusiastic responses from the international community

Xinhua News Agency reporter

On New Year’s Eve, President Xi Jinping delivered a New Year’s message for 2023. People from many countries said that President Xi Jinping’s New Year’s message showed China’s remarkable achievements in the past year, and also conveyed hope and confidence to the world. They look forward to China’s continued development and progress in the future, and believe that Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions will continue to make new and important contributions to the cause of human peace and development.

Attractive achievements bring confidence and inspiration to global development

In his New Year’s message, President Xi Jinping pointed out that in 2022, we successfully held the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, drawing a grand blueprint for building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization, and ushered in a new journey of forging ahead horn of the times. my country continues to maintain its status as the world‘s second largest economy, with a steady economic development, and the annual GDP is expected to exceed 120 trillion yuan.

The world has seen that in the past year, China has united as one, achieved great achievements, and injected confidence into global development. Chinese-style modernization has provided reference and inspiration for more countries to achieve development.

“President Xi Jinping’s New Year’s message is warm, powerful, hopeful, and inspiring.” Singaporean political commentator Ong Desheng said that the New Year’s message explained China’s remarkable achievements and once again demonstrated its firm determination to carry out Chinese-style modernization through its own efforts. The healthy development of globalization injects positive energy.

In the view of Sherik Korzhumbayev, editor-in-chief of “Kazakhstan Industrial Daily”, the key words for China in 2022 are “overcoming difficulties” and “achievement”. After listening to President Xi Jinping’s New Year’s message, he said that the achievements of the Chinese people in 2022 have attracted the attention of the world. At the same time, under the background of the epidemic, China has optimized and adjusted its prevention and control measures according to the time and situation, insisted on the supremacy of the people, and protected the safety of people’s lives to the greatest extent. and physical health to ensure economic and social development. During this process, the Chinese people have shown excellent qualities of thinking in one place, working hard in one place, and uniting to overcome difficulties.

Bambang Suryono, chairman of the Indonesian think tank Asia Innovation Research Center, pointed out that the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has drawn a grand blueprint for building a socialist modernized country in an all-round way, and it is very important for uniting and motivating the Chinese people to promote the greatness of the Chinese nation in an all-round way through Chinese-style modernization. Revival is of great significance. He believes that the achievements of Chinese-style modernization have brought confidence and dividends in the region and the world, and China’s development experience will continue to provide important inspiration for reference.

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According to Christine Buier, editor-in-chief of the French newspaper “New Solidarity”, China’s development focuses on innovation and improving people’s living standards. The Chinese government continues to lead the people to realize their dreams. She said that China’s development experience deserves to be considered and studied by more countries.

“The many achievements China has made in the past year have attracted the attention of the world.” Yevgeny Zaitsev, director of the Center for Russian-Chinese Studies at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University in Russia, believes that China is steadily promoting development in various fields and has become an important stable force in the world today. factors, bringing confidence and hope to the international community to solve existing problems and achieve sustainable development. The world today is not peaceful. “As a responsible major country, China actively promotes the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, injecting Chinese power into world peace and development.”

Kwon Ki-sik, president of the South Korea-China Urban Friendship Association, said that President Xi Jinping’s New Year’s message conveyed new hope to the Chinese people and the world. In the past few years, China has demonstrated self-confidence and responsibility in all aspects. On the new journey of comprehensively building a socialist modern country, China will also successfully overcome challenges and bring confidence to promote global development.

Stable progress provides opportunities and momentum for world economic recovery

President Xi Jinping emphasized in his New Year’s message that China’s economy has strong resilience, great potential and vitality, and its long-term fundamentals remain unchanged. As long as we have firm confidence and strive for steady progress, we will be able to achieve our set goals. Today’s China is a China where dreams are realized one after another; a China full of vitality; a China that continues its national spirit; and a China that is closely connected with the world.

In the past year, changes and turmoil have continued to evolve, unity and division have stirred each other, and the world economy has fallen into a downturn and is in urgent need of recovery. The world expects that China will continue to promote high-quality development, continue to be committed to building an open world economy, and continue to provide new opportunities for the world with China’s new development.

Tang Zhimin, director of the China-ASEAN Research Center of Zhengda School of Management in Thailand, was deeply impressed by today’s China’s “full of vitality” and “closely connected with the world“. At the meeting, the important proposals put forward by President Xi Jinping let the world see that China has always been an advocate and promoter of an open world economy. “At the moment when the century-old changes are accelerating, I believe that China will continue to bring opportunities for the development of all countries.”

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From President Xi Jinping’s New Year’s message, Korzumbayev saw the new hope brought by China’s steady economic progress and the recovery of the world economy. “China is an advocate of building an open world economy that is mutually beneficial and win-win. I believe that in the new year, China will continue to take practical actions to increase opening up. The steady development of China’s economy will provide opportunities and momentum for the recovery and development of the world economy. “

Karim Adel, head of Egypt’s Adel Center for Economic and Strategic Research, was deeply moved after carefully reading President Xi Jinping’s New Year’s message. He said that looking back on the past, China has continued to achieve success in expanding its high-level opening up to the outside world, building a global-oriented, high-efficiency, and high-growth free trade network, and jointly building the “Belt and Road” initiative has become a popular international public product and cooperation platform. Development initiatives and global security initiatives have won the support and response of many countries…Looking forward to the future, Adel expects China to make more contributions to global development and prosperity.

“China’s successful economic and social development has laid the foundation for coping with future challenges.” Volker Chapke, honorary chairman of the Prussian Association in Berlin, Germany, believes that no country in the world has formulated such a clear and important policy for future development like China blueprint. “I especially agree with what President Xi Jinping said in his New Year’s message, ‘Today’s China is a China where dreams are realized one after another’. China has always been a place where dreams are realized, and it will remain so in the future.”

From President Xi Jinping’s New Year’s message, Carla Oliva, coordinator of the China-Argentina Research Group at the University of Rosario in Argentina, sees hope and opportunities for further improvement in Latin-China trade. “China has become an important trading partner and source of investment in Latin America, and economic and trade activities between Latin America and China have become an important source of power for economic development in Latin America.” Oliva said, “I firmly believe that a more modern China can make greater contributions to the prosperity and development of the world. contribute!”

Contributing to wisdom solutions for peace and development of mankind

President Xi Jinping emphasized in his New Year’s message that we always cherish peace and development, always cherish friends and partners, firmly stand on the right side of history and the progress of human civilization, and strive to contribute Chinese wisdom to the cause of human peace and development. Chinese program.

In the new year, where will the chaotic world go? Conflict, confrontation, containment, decoupling, or peace, development, cooperation, and win-win? The world believes that China will play an important role and bring together powerful forces to promote common prosperity and progress.

Keith Bennett, vice chairman of the British 48 Group Club, was deeply touched by President Xi Jinping’s emphasis on “strive to contribute Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to the cause of human peace and development”. “China always walks the talk when it comes to maintaining peace,” Bennett said, “advocating the abandonment of protectionism, embargoes, and unilateral sanctions, and promoting the recovery of the world economy through comprehensive and inclusive globalization, without allowing any The country is left behind… China can always come up with solutions and mechanisms that are in the common interest of all mankind.”

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Looking back on China’s efforts to maintain world peace in the past year, Katarina Zakić, a researcher at the Serbian Institute of International Political Economy, was quite moved. Zakic said that changes and turbulence have not hindered China’s determination and actions to promote the establishment of friendly and cooperative international relations. China is a powerful promoter of world peace, and more countries need to take action to jointly create opportunities for the cause of peace for mankind.

According to Ismail Buchanan, a senior lecturer at the Department of Political Science at the University of Rwanda, China is a sincere partner of the international community to achieve peaceful coexistence and common development. He said that China has provided great assistance to Rwanda in poverty reduction, involving infrastructure, education, medical care and agriculture. The roads designed and built by China promote trade in Rwanda, and the Masaka Hospital built by China provides Rwandans with high-quality medical services. “I appreciate China’s efforts to promote world peace and promote development opportunities for all.” .

Evandro Carvalho, director of the Brazil-China Research Center of the Vargas Foundation in Brazil, pays attention to the New Year’s message delivered by President Xi Jinping every year. He said that President Xi Jinping’s New Year’s message once again injected confidence into the international community, and that Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions are a bright light for building a new type of international relations. The concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind proposed by China will promote the joint construction of a more peaceful and better world.

Liazid Benhamy, vice-chairman of the France-China Friendship Association in Paris, France, pointed out that in the past year, thanks to the arduous efforts of the Chinese people, China has made remarkable achievements in social development and economic growth. At present, the fate of China and other countries are closely linked. In his New Year’s message, President Xi Jinping expressed China’s determination to strengthen cooperation and promote development on the international stage. The world expects China to make new contributions to important issues such as peace, development, and innovation.

Peng Runnian, a former senior researcher at Bard College in the United States, said that in recent years, China has continued to promote the improvement of global governance. China has successively proposed the “Belt and Road” initiative, the global development initiative and the global security initiative, actively promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and expecting China to continue to contribute to world peace Contribute Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to development and development.

[Responsible editor: Wang Han]

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