Home » EPM is interested in Emdupar, but the final decision has not been made

EPM is interested in Emdupar, but the final decision has not been made

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EPM is interested in Emdupar, but the final decision has not been made

The next June 23the superintendent dagoberto quiroga will release to the vallenatos a detailed report on the state of the Valledupar Public Services Company, Emdupar. According to previous information, more than 200 findings of possible irregularities in the management of the company.

Although June 23 will not be announced publicly the final decisionthe Superintendence It will already be clear whether or not to liquidate the company. Apparently, according to what he knew THE PYLONthis decision depends on the negotiations with the employees.

Because? He 54% of the company’s resources are allocated to operating expenses, mainly profit. As it is illegal to reduce the salary of workers, negotiations are underway to eliminate bonuses and bonuses.


Emdupar workers are entitled to six bonuses a year. In December they receive the Christmas bonus, equivalent to one month’s salary; a semi-annual bonus, equivalent to 34 days of salary; after five years of service, they pay the seniority premium.

A monthly food premium of $120 thousand; a health bonus; and, finally, in addition to vacations, Emdupar pays all its workers an annual vacation premium, equivalent to 26 days of salary.


If they fail to reach an agreement with the unions, the Superintendence will liquidate the company. In that case, other public operators would come into play. The private option is not on the table because the same government is promoting rules to prevent them from privatizing public service companies.

On the public side, the Public Companies of Medellín, EPM, They are the players most interested in leading Emdupar’s intervention. As an expert on the subject explained: they did it in Santa Marta, where water is scarce, even more so Valleduparwhich has a water source that comes down directly from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

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However, during the summons he had in the Council of Valledupar, the special agent of Emdupar, Pablo Jaramillo, assured that the EPM it’s just a rumour. What is certain is that a public operator will arrive to replace the controversial Radian, a private company that was in charge of collecting and collecting Emdupar. His contract ends on November 30.

Radian would sue emdupate and would have claims higher than the $56,000 million for the investments made. Once Radian’s contract ends, the inspecting agent confirmed that there is a possibility that the collection, reinstatement, service cut, among others, pass into the hands of another public company, such as the aqueduct of Cartagena, Bucaramanga or EPM.

Why doesn’t Emdupar do it directly? According to Jaramillo, because it is expensive. “We are looking for this to be outsourced to a public company. The wage and benefit factor of Emdupar workers is too high”.


In the middle of the ordinary session, the General Secretary of Emdupar, Eribert Román Cruz, He assured that the company’s premises are invaded by “people affected by the political class.” “We were doing a tour of the entire company and the treatment plant and we found that people do not have any level of respect for the company’s assets.“, he claimed.

He then added: “They are running the fence almost to the edge of the river. In the treatment plant we have invasions, spas, swimming pools, residential complexes. Invasions that are of people stratum five and six and that we are structuring to carry out criminal actionscivil and administrative that correspond”.

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He finished by assuring that “unfortunately in these invasions there are sectors or personnel affected by the political class that has governed the department and the municipality”.

By Deivis Caro [email protected]

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