Home » Fewer donations, but an increase in members, the challenge of the Afds: “The drop in births weighs”

Fewer donations, but an increase in members, the challenge of the Afds: “The drop in births weighs”

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Fewer donations, but an increase in members, the challenge of the Afds: “The drop in births weighs”

UDINE. Ensure blood self-sufficiency also in the coming years by countering the effects of demographic decline. The strategy launched in recent years by the Friulian Association of Blood Donors (Afds) of the province of Udine revolves around this objective and which today saw, during the usual end-of-year press conference, analyze the results of 2022 and illustrate the new initiatives for on 2023.

“We are returning to pre-pandemic donation levels, but not entirely, as it is a structural factor of our society that weighs more and more, i.e. the demographic decline – explained Roberto Flora, president of the association which brings together 52 thousand members, of which 29 thousand active -. In fact, the outputs from the donation activity are much higher than the inputs”.

This year, 626 fewer bags were donated, going from 35,276 to 34,650, a drop of 1.9 percent.

“However, we are optimistic – he continued – because the number of new donors joining the AfDS is constant, going from 1,705 in 2021 to 1,890 this year, therefore with an increase of 189 equal to 10.5%, and it is made up above all of young people, surprisingly with a prevalence of those aged between 18 and 20, in this case 100 more which corresponds to a growth of 12.6% (there were 790 in 2021, there are 890 in 2022).

This is the result of intense work in schools (plus 30.4%) which are our true nursery thanks to the sections that operate there, the teachers who dedicate their time to raising awareness and accompanying students even in transfusion centers and thanks to the fundamental presence of the blood bank”.

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In addition to young people, in fact, a fundamental role in the strategy is played by the blood collection system in the area through blood banks. That super technology donated by the Danieli industrial group finally became operational on 1 December, while the one that was already in use next year will have to undergo extraordinary maintenance work, for which the Afds is now looking for a sponsor.

“If you look closely, 2022 was the year of the greatest use of the blood bank with 956 more bags collected than the previous year which corresponds to an increase of 16.5% (there were 5,794 in 2021, there are 6,750 in 2022) – added Flora – which means being on the right track, but we hope that there will also be a relaunch of hospital centers with more suitable hours and improvements in hospitality. By doing so, a synergy will be created between mobile vehicles and collection in fixed centres.

In this regard, I would like to cite as a positive example the center of Gemona which only a few years ago was on the verge of closing and is now thriving thanks to the commitment of our local section and, in particular, of its president, Anna Panigara, whom I would like to fondly remember today I hope you come back to us soon.”

And it is to young people that President Flora addressed, after thanking institutions, medical and paramedical personnel, all the supporters of the AFDS, the board of directors and collaborators, presidents and directors of the 198 sections and everyone who shows up every day to donate .

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“Among the positive facts to be counted in the year that is ending – he concluded – I undoubtedly place what our active youth group is working with peers, not only in schools, to innovate the approach with blood donation both with initiatives on the territory, and on new media. They deserve the credit for having given a real originality of contents and graphics to the Portal of the Gift created with competence and creativity.

I hope that these seeds of hope for the future will lead to a generational renewal of the management of our sections, bearing in mind that times have changed and that today it is more up to the association to have a calling, retention and coordination role.

For this reason, a process has been launched to strengthen the secretariat which, in the coming years, will become the driving force of the association, if the exchange envisaged in the data agreement with the health facility is also implemented”.

In addition to the president Flora, Giovanni Barillari, director of Transfusion Medicine Asufc, the director of the regional blood center Andrea Bontadini and Riccardo Riccardi, vice president and regional councilor for health, social policies and disability, delegate to Civil Protection took part.

At the conclusion of the meeting, President Flora wanted to show a photo of donors, among many, of significant value: that of the triplets, born on 17 June 2004, Alice, Gaia and Enrico Michelin, accompanied by their father Daniele and mother Elena, both donors, who on Sunday 11 December experienced the joy of giving together with other eighteen-year-old peers, donating for the first time at the transfusion center in Udine and immediately enrolling in the Afds section of Rivignano.

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