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HM the King addresses a Speech to the Nation on the occasion of the Feast of the Throne (Full text)

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Saturday July 29, 2023
HM the King addresses a Speech to the Nation on the occasion of the Feast of the Throne (Full text)

His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, on Saturday addressed a Speech to His faithful people on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the accession of the Sovereign to the Throne of His glorious ancestors.

Here is the full text of the Royal Speech:

“Praise be to God, prayer and salvation be upon the Prophet, his family and his companions.

Dear people,

By the grace of God, our country lives to the rhythm of the symbiosis which unfailingly unites the Throne and the people, naturally engaged in mutual and constant listening.

With these strengths, Morocco was once able to put in place the structures of a Nation-State, today the repository of a centuries-old history.

Also, We praise the Lord for having brought us help and assistance: in our fruitful enterprise, we have overcome many difficulties, many challenges and we now have many achievements to our credit.

As sincere people with frank optimism, Moroccans, proudly claiming their thousand-year-old traditions and their unified national identity, have rightly acquired a reputation for tolerance and openness.

Their reputation is based more specifically on their seriousness and their sense of dedication.

Now that the national development dynamic has reached a stage of advanced maturity, it is up to us to demonstrate this recognized seriousness in order to cross new thresholds on the road to progress and to construct reforms, larger-scale projects, worthy Moroccans.

Dear people,

The seriousness that We exalt is not an empty term of purely formal significance. It is, on the contrary, an integrated concept that covers a set of ideals and operating principles.

As long as seriousness drives our actions, we will succeed in overcoming difficulties and overcoming challenges.

In fact, each time that Moroccan youth have had the means to give the full measure of their seriousness and their patriotism, they have fascinated the world with performances of an unprecedented caliber, like the feat accomplished by the National Team at the last Football World Cup.

By everyone’s admission, internally and internationally, our children offered the most beautiful images of patriotic fervor, unity and family and popular cohesion and they made us particularly proud, as well as the whole Moroccan people.

It is in this spirit that We have taken the decision to present, with our friends from Spain and Portugal, a common candidacy for the organization of the final stages of the 2030 Football World Cup. Thus, We aspire and, correlatively, We are working to ensure that, in all respects, this edition inscribes its mark in history.

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Unprecedented in the Annals, this candidacy builds a bridge between two continents and two civilizations: Africa and Europe, and brings together the two shores of the Mediterranean. It very beautifully embodies the ambition that drives the peoples of the region to move forward together towards more collaboration, understanding and communion.

The seriousness of Moroccan youth is also expressed in areas requiring a creative genius and an innovative spirit: two strengths that it has in power in various subjects.

I particularly salute the realization of the first locally manufactured car, thanks to national skills and Moroccan funding. The same goes for the presentation of the first prototype of a hydrogen car, developed by a young Moroccan.

These projects bear witness to the Moroccan genius and attest to the confidence placed in the intrinsic capacities of our young people, thus encouraged to redouble their inventiveness and creativity. They also contribute to the promotion of the “Made in Morocco” label and reinforce the positioning of Morocco as a major destination for productive investments.

Seriousness is also required when it comes to our territorial integrity.

Indeed, it is this seriousness which, against a background of legitimacy, triggered cascading recognitions of Morocco’s sovereignty over its Southern Provinces, that of the State of Israel being the latest. In addition to the opening of consulates in Dakhla and Laâyoune, it also helped to mobilize increased support for the Moroccan Autonomy Initiative.

With the same seriousness and equal intransigence, We reiterate Morocco’s unshakeable position in favor of the just Palestinian cause and the legitimate rights of the brotherly Palestinian people, relating to the establishment of an independent state with Eastern Al-Quds as its capital and ultimately bringing security and stability to the peoples of the region.

Seriousness must constantly define our line of conduct, in everyday life as well as at work. Consequently, it must be required in all sectors of activity:

– in the political, administrative and judicial field, it is important that dedication to the service of the citizen prevails, by the identification of qualified profiles, by the primacy granted to the superior interests of the Nation and of the citizens, far from overbidding and narrow calculations .

– In the social field, it must be essential in particular in the sectors of health, education, employment, housing.

Moreover, the seriousness that We advocate must prevail among economic operators, in the areas of investment and production and within the business world.

Ultimately, seriousness is the keystone of an integrated approach which subordinates the exercise of responsibility to the requirement of accountability and makes prevail the rules of good governance, the value of work, merit and equality. chances.

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Dear people,

The repercussions of the global crisis, combined with successive years of drought at the national level, have contributed to the increase in the cost of living and the slowdown in economic growth.

Also, We have directed the government to adopt the necessary measures to mitigate their negative impact on the fringes of the population and the most affected sectors, and to ensure the supply of markets with basic products.

Today, as signs of a gradual decline in inflationary pressures begin to emerge internationally, it is urgent for us to show seriousness in order to establish a climate of confidence and seize new opportunities. The goal is to strengthen the recovery and resilience of the national economy.

In this regard, We have launched the OCP Group’s Green Investment Program and We have given a boost to the renewable energy deployment plan.

Following the meeting that We chaired for this purpose, the government has developed the “Offer Morocco” project for green hydrogen.

In this regard, We urge the government to undertake the rapid and qualitative implementation of this project, so as to enhance the assets available to Our country in this area and to respond as well as possible to the projects carried out by global investors in this promising sector. .

In order to complete the social protection project, We are expecting social benefits to begin, as planned, to be paid to the targeted households at the end of the current year.

Our wish is that this direct income contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of millions of families and children whose distress We feel.

This mechanism will constitute an essential pillar of our model of development and society, which aims to preserve, in all its dimensions, the dignity of citizens.

With regard to the management of water resources, which requires greater rigor and vigilance, we have overseen the development of the National Program for the Supply of Drinking Water and Irrigation 2020-2027.

In this regard, We call for careful monitoring of all stages of the implementation of this program. Moreover, We will not tolerate any form of bad governance, bad management or anarchic and irresponsible exploitation of water.

Dear people,

In a world shaken by the shaking of values ​​and frames of reference and confronted with the interweaving of many crises, we need more than ever to show seriousness as all Moroccans conceive it:

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– First, by an unfailing attachment to religious and patriotic values ​​and to our eternal motto: God – Fatherland – King;

– Secondly, by the unwavering attachment to the national unity of our country and its territorial integrity;

– Then, by safeguarding social and family ties from which, ultimately, a more cohesive and cohesive society will emerge;

– Finally, by resolutely pursuing the quest for development that will make it possible to achieve the desired economic progress and strengthen social and spatial justice.

Dear people,

The action that We carry out in the service of Our people is not only to manage internal matters. It also resides in Our determination to establish solid relations with brotherly and friendly States, and more particularly with neighboring countries.

For several months, many have been asking to know where relations between Morocco and Algeria are. These relationships are stable, yet We aspire to them to be better.

In this regard, We reassure our brothers in Algeria, their leadership and their people that they will never have to fear malice on the part of Morocco. We also confirm to them all the value We attach to the bonds of affection and friendship, to the exchanges and interactions between our two peoples.

We pray to the Most High for a return to normal and a reopening of the borders between our two neighboring countries and our two brother peoples.

Dear people,

We take this opportunity to pay a vibrant tribute to the Royal Armed Forces, the National Security, the Royal Gendarmerie, the Auxiliary Forces and the Civil Protection, all components combined, for their constant mobilization, under Our command, in order to defend the national unity and to preserve the country’s security and stability.

We also pray to the Most High to cover with His infinite mercy the valiant martyrs of Morocco, in the forefront of which Our August Grandfather, the late His Majesty King Mohammed V and Our Illustrious Father, the late His Majesty King Hassan II, God have their souls.

To conclude, there is nothing better than a verse from the Holy Quran where God decrees: “Those who believe and do good deeds…verily We do not let the reward of him who does good be lost”. True is the word of God.

Wassalamou alaikoum wa rahmatoullah wa barakatouh ».

MAP 29/07/2023

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