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ASUNCIÓN (special envoy) Dr. Miguel Ángel Cavallo was found guilty of the murder of Maylen Romero and sentenced to 16 years in prison

Judges Manuel Aguirre, Rosana Maldonado and Juan Ortiz, members of the Sentencing Court, found the surgeon Miguel Cavallo guilty of homicide and, in addition to a 16-year prison sentence, they also prohibited him from practicing the profession for 10 years.

“Grateful, but this is just beginning, now we are going to continue with the Ministry of Health, which has a lot of responsibility. Nobody would have allowed this doctor to work if they acted from the beginning, many victims and many people asked for help to stop him, but nobody did anything,” said Zulma Ledesma, Maylen Romero’s mother.

The young woman, then 22 years old, died on December 30, 2020 in a private sanatorium, during breast implant surgery.

According to the accusation, Dr. Cavallo supplied the patient with three vials of lidocaine and midazolam, without considering the adverse reactions, which later caused the young woman’s death.

“He had to have turned 25 yesterday, he was a person who gave us everything in life,” lamented the mother.

The same doctor already had several complaints of malpractice, however, managed to continue operating with impunity and dangerously.


CIUDAD DEL ESTE (writing) Prosecutor Susan Vega filed an accusation against a woman for alleged family violence against her partner and asked the Court that the case be brought to oral and public trial. She is identified as Lidia Franco Morel (37). The conclusive requirement was presented in the Court of Guarantees No. 6 of Ciudad del Este.

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According to the records, the attack occurred on July 15, 2022, around 6:00 p.m., in a house located in the San José neighborhood of the capital of Alto Paraná. Lucio Gustavo Castellani turned out to be the victim.

The defendant, first of all, claimed the man for having taken too long in the pantry while he went to buy milk. Later, she accused him of allegedly having been with another woman, which sparked an argument.

As the minutes passed, the verbal dispute escalated until Lidia Franco, visibly angry, allegedly attacked the man, scratching him all over his body and then locked him in a room. The next day, the defendant unlocked the door, which allowed Lucio Gustavo to leave the place and go to the hospital to receive medical attention and later file a complaint.

After collecting evidence, prosecutor Susan Vega began the criminal proceedings against the defendant for family violence. During the preparatory stage, investigative procedures were carried out, such as taking testimonial statements, medical examinations of the victim and compilation of background information, which allowed the case to be clarified and the degree of participation of the defendant in the crime to be determined, the brief refers to. of accusation.


CIUDAD DEL ESTE (writing) Four criminals intercepted a woman’s vehicle when she was about to open the gate to enter her house with her vehicle. It happened last night, in the Santa Ana neighborhood of Ciudad del Este, in a house located on Amambay Avenue. The thugs assaulted the woman, broke the windows of her shot and demanded at all times that she deliver money.

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The victim was María Zulma Páez de Delvalle (45), who said that at 9:00 p.m., she arrived at the gate of her house with her Toyota Fortuner-type vehicle, white AABD 266 sheet metal and was preparing to enter, when they also arrived. behind him four thugs, with a car of the same brand, the Premio model, white, without a license plate.

The same reported to the agents of Police Post No. 22 2nd. Santa Ana Fraction, that three thugs with weapons in their hands pointed at her and demanded that she hand over cash.

The woman replied that she had no money, so they began to break the windows of the vehicle doors.

Then, the subjects got her out of the vehicle by pulling her hair and took her to enter the house. Once inside, they began to search for the money and, failing to achieve their objective, they seized a white IPHONE XR cell phone.

Finally, they got out, boarded the vehicle again and fled to an unknown destination.

The prosecutor investigating the case is Luis Trinidad. The Department of Investigations and Criminalistics was summoned.

Drunk doctor causes accident

JUAN EMILIO OLEARY (special envoy) Last night, at 11:00 pm, there was a violent accident on the Py 02 route, at km 250, Tacuaro neighborhood in the Juan E. O’Leary district. The mishap involved a drunk woman.

The mishap involved MERCEDES DIANA ROMERO ROJAS, 41, who was in command of a gray Fiat, Argo, year 2020, Surgeon by profession; and ANIBAL RÍOS who was riding the STAR motorcycle, model SK 150 cc, blue, plate 864 BYJ.

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The woman said that the motorcyclist came up to her and could not avoid the impact, as a result of which the man fell to the pavement and suffered injuries, for which he was transferred to the Local Health Center.

The driver underwent an alctotest test, giving a positive result of 0.423 mg/L. Meanwhile, a cell phone and a bag containing, presumably, cocaine were seized from the motorcyclist’s power.

The incident was reported to Yguazú prosecutor Alfredo Acosta Heyn.



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