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President Oaks urges young adults to ‘be of good cheer’

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President Oaks urges young adults to ‘be of good cheer’

President Dallin H. Oaks of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has urged young adults around the world to maintain an eternal perspective as they deal with today’s “stressful times.”

Despite the hardships young adults endure, the apostle said they can “be of good cheer” because Jesus Christ “has conquered the world” and “so can we.”

“Remember,” President Oaks added, “our Father’s plan is a plan of happiness”.

At the meeting, which was broadcast worldwide Sunday, May 21, 2023, from the Conference Center Theater on Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah, the First Counselor in the First Presidency was accompanied by his wife, Kristen.

“Whatever our variations in the diversity of our Heavenly Father’s creations, He loves everyone, and His perfect plan of happiness includes everyone,” President Oaks said. “We show our love for him by keeping his commandments, including that of loving his children.”

President Oaks expressed concern about the large number of people who are single or choose not to have children, as well as the growing age at which Latter-day Saint men and women are deciding to marry. He acknowledged the role that housing shortages and rising student debt play in these decisions.

Nonetheless, he encouraged young adults to “[andare] forward with faith” because “marriage is a fundamental element in the purpose of earthly life and that which follows”. He and Sister Oaks encouraged young adults to date and have children—and to remember the examples of early Latter-day Saints.

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“The early pioneers of our history left their homes and possessions to take their families to safety, spiritually speaking, in the mountains of the West,” he said. “Today, we urge you not to leave your spiritual safety and family to gain material possessions.”

Sister Oaks added to the women in attendance: “If you’re spending your time waiting to find someone to marry, stop waiting and start preparing. Prepare for life by studying, gaining experiences and planning for the future. Don’t wait for happiness to rain from the sky. Look for opportunities to serve and learn. But above all, trust in the Lord”.

President Oaks then addressed some of his speeches to the high school seniors in attendance. He recognized their generation’s prevalent struggles with anxiety, drugs and social media. He shared part of a letter he received from a young woman about gender dysphoria.

“I really don’t understand why so many young people in our Church see no problem in people constantly switching genders, dating with others of the same gender, or identifying as individuals of any gender,” she wrote. “I know we have to love everyone and show them respect, and I always do. It seems to me [semplicemente] that you are crossing a line.”

President Oaks responded by pointing to how Jesus balances His love while emphasizing the importance of the law in John 8 in the New Testament. When the religious leaders of the time brought a woman to him to be judged for adultery, Jesus replied: “Let him who is without sin among you, first cast a stone at her.” Later Jesus applied the power of love by refusing to condemn her and affirmed the law when he told her to “sin no more.”

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President Oaks urged his listeners to keep the commandments of love and the law “more fully. Anyone who does not treat individuals facing gender identity challenges with love and dignity is not conforming to the teachings of the first and second great commandments. Therefore, in regards to God’s law, we must remember that God has repeatedly revealed that He created us male and female. And regarding our duty to love our neighbor, we must remember that God has commanded us to love even those who do not obey all the commandments.

If you, a family member, or friend are having this kind of confusion about who you are, I urge you to apply both the law of the gospel and the love and mercy of our Savior and Redeemer, who will help and guide you. if you will walk His paths patiently.”

For those experiencing same-sex attraction, President Oaks taught that God loves each of His creations and has a place for all in God’s plan of happiness.

President Oaks also quoted President Russell M. Nelson’s teachings to be careful how we label ourselves.

“No identifier should supersede, replace, or take precedence over these three enduring definitions: ‘daughter or son of God,’ ‘daughter or son of the covenant,’ and ‘disciple of Jesus Christ,’” President Nelson said. “Any identifier that is not compatible with these three basic definitions will ultimately disappoint you. In time, other labels will fail you because they do not have the power to lead you to eternal life in the celestial kingdom of God.”

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What ha covenants have the power to lead us to eternal life, President Oaks said.

“Once you and I enter into a covenant with God,” he said again quoting President Nelson, “our relationship with Him becomes much stronger than before our covenant. Now we are connected. Because of our covenant with God, He will never slacken His efforts to help us, and we will never run out of His merciful patience toward us. Each of us has a special place in God’s heart.”

In conclusion, President and Sister Oaks encouraged the young adults to look to God and trust in Him for guidance.

Sister Oaks said to “look to God and live. Look at the words spoken tonight, the words of our prophet, the scriptures, the plan of salvation, and your patriarchal blessing. Pray and the Lord will be with you. This does not mean that all of us will remain unscathed, but it does mean that we will not be alone and that we will go forward under his guidance and protected from the wickedness around us ”.

“[Cercate] diligently to know Jesus Christ, to feel His love, and to have faith in Him and His loving guidance along the covenant path to our eternal destiny,” President Oaks said.

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