Home » Rodolfo Hernández spoke about his political retirement and how he enjoys his fortune

Rodolfo Hernández spoke about his political retirement and how he enjoys his fortune

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Rodolfo Hernández spoke about his political retirement and how he enjoys his fortune

The former presidential candidate, Rodolfo Hernández, came out on one of the issues that most attracts attention regarding his political career, since at almost 80 years of age he continues to give people something to talk about and, even, his aspirations to lead the country continue, as was the case with the governorship of Santander. Hernández was asked about his eventual retirement due to the criticism he receives and according to his response, said possibility is remote and almost nil.

The visible head of the League of Anti-Corruption Rulers movement spoke through his TikTok account, where he commonly exposes different topics about his life and political circle. On this occasion, one of the members of his work team questioned him about the criticism he receives in networks, where he is invited to retire and enjoy his heritage, however, amid laughter, Hernández made it clear that retirement was not an alternative in the short term.

According to the Santanderean politician, his sole purpose is to enjoy:

“Suppose the life expectancy if this is exceeded, as the doctor told me that suddenly they die before me, let’s say it’s 90 years, then I wonder: how everything dies, everything is a cycle, birth, development, growth, reproduction, joy and death. Fidel Castro died, Dr. Carlos Lleras Restrepo, such a boorish president we had and he died, so what I have is to enjoy”.

In this case, Hernández contrasts joy with the concept of serving, concluding that this is one of his main satisfactions, also that, in case of using his money, he does not intend to waste it. One of the politician’s premises is to continue serving and sharing with his family, although money goes to the background, as he seeks to improve various aspects to remain in history.

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“I must enjoy what I have without wasting it, I want to satisfy that joy, I want to serve, that is what I want. Accumulate more money for what, than to let the children say, but no, that’s more of a fight. With what I have, keeping what I have, live peacefully; At home, with my wife, with the Chinese, with friends, enjoying and serving, if I serve and do aesthetics, I will go down in history”, he concluded.
Threats against Rodolfo Hernández

In the same TikTok space, the Santander governor candidate explained that throughout his political career he has received different threats, which were presented in different ways; such as funeral wreaths, pamphlets and so on, however, he assures that he never knew the people who were behind these maneuvers.

“I have been receiving threats since I registered for mayor, the truth is I never felt afraid; because I have in my head that revolvers are not sold with testicles, I also believe that barking dogs do not bite. They insulted me, they threatened me, they sent ballots and crowns to my house, but they didn’t show their faces, so that’s why they weren’t going to do anything”.

However, he explained that the day he felt fear was when they attacked his communication team, which had to migrate to the south of the continent, taking into account that they received death threats. According to Rodolfo Hernández, the people behind the harassment considered that their favorability was the product of the work of the publicists.

“Lastly, the publicists we had for communication advice were threatened with death, they had to leave within 72 hours for Argentina, they believed that the favorability factor it had was generated in large part by the communication they made, they were great communicators and it was partly true. I had the fear that I had never felt, because I said I don’t know how far they are capable of going, ”he added. with Infobae

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