Home » “Tax” publicizes people’s hearts and builds modernization together–Yingtan High-tech Zone Taxation Bureau holds the launching ceremony of the 32nd tax publicity month- Chinadaily.com

“Tax” publicizes people’s hearts and builds modernization together–Yingtan High-tech Zone Taxation Bureau holds the launching ceremony of the 32nd tax publicity month- Chinadaily.com

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Fangfei was in April, when the tax declaration was just in time. On March 31, the Taxation Bureau of Yingtan High-tech Zone held the launching ceremony of the 32nd taxation publicity month with the theme of “benefiting thousands of families and building modernization together”. The various ways of tax publicity into bus stops kicked off the 2023 tax publicity month.

Bathed in the spring breeze and walking cheerfully, the student representatives of Yingtan No. 12 Primary School walked into the Municipal Youth Palace to participate in the unveiling ceremony of the “Yingtan Taxation Law Popularization Education Base for Youth”. Subsequently, under the organization of the staff of the High-tech Zone Taxation Bureau, student representatives visited the tax law education base in an orderly manner.

It is understood that the base has a total of four exhibition areas, namely: knowledge area, taxes in my heart; painting exhibition area, taxes in my eyes; experience area, taxes I have learned; calligraphy area, taxes in my pen. Through the combination of movement and stillness, entertaining and entertaining, young students are further encouraged to know the tax law, understand the tax law, obey the tax law, and respect the tax law.

At the base, student representatives watched, listened, and thought with great interest. In the Knowledge Zone·Taxation in My Heart, the student representatives witnessed the growth and development of taxation, felt the endeavor and responsibility of taxpayers, and imagined a new chapter in the modernization of taxation in Yingtan. In the painting exhibition area: Taxation in My Eyes, the student representatives watched the wonderful and vivid works carefully and carefully, and learned the taxation concept of “taxes are collected from the people and used for the people” from the paintings. In the tax experience area I learned, the student representatives happily participated in the tax knowledge interactive answering questions, gaining knowledge and joy in learning and answering. In the Calligraphy Area·My tax collection, the student representative picked up a brush, dipped it in ink, and wrote “Taxing taxes with integrity, you and I go together.” Today, the students planted the “seeds” of taxation, which will surely bloom tomorrow. , bear fruit.

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“I am very excited to be here today. I have gained a lot of knowledge and can pass on the knowledge about taxation to more people.” Student representative Xu Jinxuan said happily.

In the newly-built citizen square in the high-tech zone, there was an endless stream of people passing by the square to learn tax law knowledge. The staff of the tax bureau of the high-tech zone were explaining tax law knowledge to them patiently and meticulously. The scene was full of enthusiasm.

“It turns out that taxes have such a great effect, and taxes make life better.” Ms. Liu said after learning tax knowledge.

In order to better organize tax law into the community activities, the Taxation Bureau of the High-tech Zone has selected business backbones and carefully produced tax publicity display boards. Seven sections, such as being a good citizen who pays taxes honestly, introduce taxation knowledge, and continuously enhance people’s compliance with tax laws through easy-to-understand language.

The bus station has a large flow of people and a wide range of publicity. The Tax Bureau of the High-tech Zone also chose the bus station as the location for tax promotion. In the window of the platform, eye-catching promotional posters are attracting people who stop and wait for the bus, and the optimized and upgraded tax service measures have won their praise.

On this April day when the world is full of spring, taxation knowledge and preferential tax policies are being passed on to every corner and various groups through various publicity channels. Work hard for a socialist modernized country.

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[Responsible editor: Cai Donghai]

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