Home » Vivek Ramaswamy Emerges as a Rising Star Among Republican Candidates in 2024 Presidential Race

Vivek Ramaswamy Emerges as a Rising Star Among Republican Candidates in 2024 Presidential Race

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Vivek Ramaswamy Emerges as a Rising Star Among Republican Candidates in 2024 Presidential Race

Republican presidential candidate and former biotech executive Vivek Ramaswamy is making waves in the 2024 U.S. presidential campaign, capturing the attention and curiosity of voters and surpassing his rivals in Google searches.

Dubbed the “millennial Trump” by some, Ramaswamy’s rise in popularity has unsettled other Republican candidates, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who currently holds second place in the polls. According to ABC News’ Five Thirty Eight, Ramaswamy’s polling numbers have steadily increased, with him currently securing 10.1 percent support compared to DeSantis’ 14.4 percent. However, both candidates are far behind former President Donald Trump, who enjoys an average of 52.4 percent support among Republican voters.

An analysis conducted by Politico indicates that Ramaswamy performs particularly well in online polls, suggesting a connection to his digital-savvy and younger voter base. It is speculated that his online presence and appeal to the highly educated and tech-savvy demographic contribute to his lead in digital searches.

One possible reason for Ramaswamy’s online prominence may be linked to a difficulty in accurately pronouncing his last name, which has also been a challenge for his fellow candidates during debates. Additionally, his widespread reach among the digitally active population, who tend to engage more closely with the campaign, could be a contributing factor.

Ramaswamy’s background is rooted in his Indian heritage. Born in Ohio in 1985, his parents immigrated to the United States from Kerala, India, and achieved success in their respective careers. His father worked as an engineer at General Electric and later became a patent attorney, while his mother was a psychiatrist. Growing up, Ramaswamy attended public school and a Catholic high school, and he describes himself as someone who values Judeo-Christian principles.

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During the recent Republican debate, Ramaswamy displayed his assertiveness and parallels with former President Trump. He engaged in heated exchanges with fellow candidate Chris Christie and even intimidated former Vice President Mike Pence, pressing him on whether he would pardon Trump if elected president.

Ramaswamy’s support for Trump and his unfiltered style in a younger package was evident during his college years when he adopted the alter ego “Da Vek” and created libertarian-themed versions of Eminem songs. In videos from 2004, he can be seen rapping a rendition of Eminem’s “Lose Yourself.” His admiration for the artist at the time stemmed from Eminem’s story of upward mobility through American capitalism, which resonated with Ramaswamy’s own aspirations.

In the midst of his presidential campaign, Ramaswamy has utilized his past to connect with younger voters. He has incorporated rapping into campaign rallies and interviews, combining his passion for music and politics.

Ramaswamy has a diverse educational background, having studied biology at Harvard University before pursuing law at Yale Law School. In 2014, he founded a biotech company that propelled him to wealth before transitioning into politics and policy.

While Ramaswamy has displayed conservative leanings, he maintains elements of his libertarian roots. He voted for the Libertarian Party in 2004 and did not cast another vote until 2020 when he supported Trump. He has made donations to candidates from both the Republican and Democratic parties.

As a candidate, Ramaswamy has strongly opposed the “Woke” movement, which he believes perpetuates division in society. He authored a book titled “Woke, Inc.,” criticizing affirmative action as “the greatest form of institutionalized racism in America.” He holds controversial positions on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and abortion, advocating for stricter abortion regulations without federal government interference.

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While Ramaswamy’s popularity continues to rise, it remains to be seen how far he can advance in the Republican race and challenge the dominance of former President Trump, despite the ongoing legal troubles Trump faces.

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