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Welcome to the guarantee fair

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Welcome to the guarantee fair

The department of Cesar has inaugurated in recent days the fair of endorsements of the different political groups, in this fair all those political parties and movements interested in captivating the best leaders of the department and of each municipality participate in the delivery of their vouchers and in this way to be able to aspire to positions of popular election, so far so good, because that is what it is about, that political parties or movements with legal status recognized by the National Electoral Council grant endorsement to a citizen who will represent them in a people’s choice.

The endorsement is granted by the legal representative of the political party or movement or by whoever he expressly delegates, as established by the electoral law in Colombia.

Well, at this fair everything has happened, candidates who had their right and even, for having belonged to that political group for decades and who aspired to be granted endorsement, were tied up with rabbits, as exactly happened in the municipality of La Peace, with the mayoral candidate Orlando Cruz Araujo, who throughout his family’s political life has belonged to and supported the glorious Liberal Party, what’s more, in the defeats that Arturo Calderón has suffered, endorsed by that party, this family has He had to endure said defeat, for being faithful and coherent to his liberal thoughts, but, as the saying goes, Cocacola kills red…,,, and it was like that, where the order was given, the fight was won by Arturo Calderón and the guarantee was granted to Juan Bautista Calderón Cotes, his 74-year-old uncle, leaving in the environment that nepotism prevails more than the opportunity that young people deserve.

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If it rains because of liberalism, because of Cambio Radical it does not stop, that is, to Chichí Quintero, who was looking for endorsement for her son and who put that party into office as a representative to the Chamber, they told her, don’t dress because you won’t go, and As we all know, this has left attacks from end to end.

As in every fair there must be shows, the political parties and movements that call themselves alternative, have been in charge of doing it, since it is easier to untangle a sack of hooks, than its leaders, each one promises guarantees and does not give them , and the candidates who assure that they have the support and of course the endorsement, have left them with their hands outstretched, not to mention that these parties have many caciques and very few Indians, they all want to make believe that they have the wink of their chief , the one who was elected president and everyone travels to Bogotá and without being received, they come putting cane to get guarapo.

The fair has shown a bit of organization in the Conservative Party, since its leaders have established a strategy of granting endorsements, which, according to them, will give them success in the elections, however, they leave deep and bleeding wounds in one of their most faithful bishops, it is Camilo Lacouture, who very well dressed and smiling, received and welcomed Efraín Cepeda, the highest leader of that group, at the airport, who very proudly and diplomatically told him, don’t dress, you won’t.

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This fair has left something very curious and it is the jump to other parties that many candidates have had to do, receiving endorsement from whoever offers it or traveling to other cities to see if there is a party that wants to be present in the department, not It matters that they are from shamans, the important thing is to be able to register as candidates, which means that it is possible that there may be mayors, councilors and deputies, with a foreign political force.

By Emiliano Piedrahita Porras.

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