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Xinhua Viewpoint | Ten Questions and Ten Answers on Epidemic Hotspots on the Eve of the Spring Festival- Chinadaily.com.cn

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Xinhua Viewpoint | Ten Questions and Ten Answers on Epidemic Hotspots on the Eve of the Spring Festival- Chinadaily.com.cn

How is the current medical treatment for COVID-19 infection? Will “Delta Kron” be imported into my country and cause new infections? How is the opening of grass-roots fever clinics during the Spring Festival holiday? … As the Spring Festival is approaching, a reporter from “Xinhua Viewpoint” interviewed relevant experts from the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council in response to many hot issues of the epidemic that the public is concerned about.

Question: What is the current situation of medical treatment for COVID-19 infection?

Guo Yanhong, Director of the Medical Emergency Department of the National Health and Health Commission, said that in general, the medical treatment of patients infected with the new coronavirus is stable and orderly, and daily diagnosis and treatment services are gradually recovering. The provinces have already passed the peak of fever clinics, emergency department visits and critically ill patients in hospital.

Guo Yanhong introduced that normal medical treatment also showed signs of recovery. General outpatient clinics across the country are gradually recovering, and the proportion of patients with new crowns is gradually decreasing. By January 17, the consultation rate of non-new crown patients in general outpatient clinics reached 99.5%. At the same time, hospitalized patients showed a fluctuating upward trend, and the proportion of non-COVID-19 patients among hospitalized patients increased significantly, reaching 85% on January 17.

Second question: Will “Deltacoron” be imported into my country and cause new infections?

Recently, the detection of “Delta Kron” (XAY.2 strain) abroad has attracted attention.

According to Chang Zhaorui, a researcher at the Infectious Disease Management Office of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the strain is the BA. 4. BA. 5 and delta variant AY. 45 recombinants are currently found in 9 countries or regions around the world, and have been on the rise in very few countries since December 2022. There is no information about XAY yet. 2 Sufficient data on the transmission, pathogenicity and immune escape ability of the virus strain.

“At present, the XAY.2 strain has not been detected in my country. We will continue to track international trends and carry out analysis and judgment in a timely manner.” Chang Zhaorui said that personal protection still needs to be strengthened at this stage. Do a good job of health monitoring and seek medical treatment in time when necessary.

Three questions: How to strengthen the treatment of severe cases in a targeted manner?

Guo Yanhong introduced that the number of positive critically ill patients in hospitals nationwide peaked on January 5, and then continued to decline. On January 17, the number of positive severe patients dropped by 44.3% from the peak.

On January 12, in the intensive care unit of the Hongqiao Campus of Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, medical staff changed the patient to a prone position.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jin Liwang

Recently, the National Health and Health Commission and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine issued the “Diagnosis and Treatment Plan for Severe Cases of New Coronavirus Infection (Trial Version 4)”, which combines the disease characteristics of the mutant strain of Omicron and the infected person, and summarizes the experience in the treatment of severe patients in the early stage Based on further improvement.

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Guo Yanhong introduced that this version of the severe disease diagnosis and treatment plan strengthens the concept of “moving the gate forward”, strengthens the concept of early detection and early intervention; increases symptomatic treatment of high fever and cough, improves oral small molecule antiviral drugs, early anticoagulation and other treatment measures; emphasizes prone position ventilation Improve the importance of hypoxemia and grasp the timing of clinical application of invasive mechanical ventilation and ECMO; further optimize and improve the content of traditional Chinese medicine treatment, and strengthen the clinical treatment guidance of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine for severe and critical illness.

Four questions: How is the opening of grassroots fever clinics during the Spring Festival holiday?

“Currently, the setting rate of fever clinics in township health centers and community health service centers across the country has reached 98.8%.” Guo Yanhong introduced that we require that during holidays, fever clinics should be set up and open as much as possible, and normal operation should be guaranteed.

Guo Yanhong introduced that as of January 19, grassroots medical and health institutions across the country were equipped with a total of 2.478 million oxygen devices and 191,000 oxygen generators. expansion.

At the same time, medical institutions at all levels have established referral green channels to ensure that patients can be transferred to higher-level medical institutions for treatment in a timely manner.

Five questions: How to prevent and control the epidemic in rural areas in the near future?

“Recently, all localities have acted quickly in accordance with the deployment requirements of the central government, and further established and improved the five-level secretary’s responsibility system for epidemic prevention and control in rural areas.” Mao Dezhi, deputy director of the Rural Cooperation Economic Guidance Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said that the next step will focus on rural areas Prevent and control the increase in gathering activities such as visiting relatives and friends, red and funeral events, markets and temple fairs.

On January 19, in Shiyi Village, Qushan Town, Beichuan County, Zhao Taian, a village doctor, went to visit key groups.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Chaoqun

Ensuring the medical needs of rural people and protecting key populations such as the elderly and children are the top priorities in epidemic prevention and control.

Mao Dezhi introduced that at present, 31 provinces and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have established contact systems for key groups of people and households. At the same time, our country is doing everything possible to promote medical supplies to rural areas, and medical power to sink to the grassroots.

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Six questions: How to reduce the risk of transmission during the Spring Festival travel?

“This year’s Spring Festival travel is the first after the epidemic prevention and control has entered a new stage, and the passenger flow has rebounded sharply.” Zhou Min, deputy director of the Emergency Office of the Ministry of Transport, introduced that in order to reduce the risk of epidemic spread, the Ministry of Transport formulated a work plan and issued prevention and control guidelines. , Deploy localities to do a good job in the prevention and control of the Spring Festival travel epidemic.

In addition to strengthening the disinfection and ventilation of stations and transportation vehicles, and strengthening the management of epidemic prevention for employees, the Ministry of Transport has also improved transportation services and support capabilities, smoothed the “last mile” for people returning to their hometowns, and actively promoted contactless shopping. Ticket and ticket inspection services, guide passengers to line up in an orderly manner, disperse and wait for boarding, and reduce gatherings.

At the same time, personal protection during the Spring Festival travel is very important. Wang Quan, director of the emergency department of Beijing Children’s Hospital, specially reminded to pay attention to child protection, wear masks in a standard manner, and prevent children from touching everywhere, especially to prevent touching eyes, mouth, nose and other behaviors after touching other things.

Question 7: How to protect the health of the elderly when visiting the elderly during the Spring Festival?

“For the elderly, especially those with underlying diseases, who have not been infected, and who have not been vaccinated, we should focus on strengthening protection.” Chang Zhaorui said.

Chang Zhaorui said that in the early days of returning home, returnees should wear masks when in contact with the elderly at home; when dining at home, it is recommended to use public chopsticks and spoons; it is recommended that the elderly try not to participate in large-scale family gatherings. For dinner parties, reduce the number of people, shorten the time for dinner parties, keep a reasonable distance between meals, and take good protection.

At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen health monitoring, especially pay close attention to the physical condition of the elderly, and seek medical treatment in time if symptoms related to new coronavirus infection or test positive occur.

Question 8: What changes have been made to the management measures of cultural tourism sites?

According to the “Class B and B Management” overall plan and the tenth edition of the prevention and control plan, the cultural and tourism administrative departments of various places have formulated the industry’s epidemic prevention and control measures after the implementation of the “Class B and B Management” and the prevention and control measures when the epidemic is severe. Ensure the implementation of various epidemic prevention and control requirements, ensure the normal development of cultural and tourism activities, and the orderly flow of people.

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Li Xiaoyong, deputy director of the Market Management Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, introduced that public cultural institutions, cultural and tourism business premises should do a good job in the normalization of prevention and control of places and activities, scientifically wear masks, do a good job of cleaning, disinfection and ventilation to reduce the spread of the virus risk. During the severe epidemic period, temporary prevention and control measures can be taken in accordance with the law at an appropriate time to respond in a timely manner, intervene decisively, and deal with it scientifically.

Question 9: What health protections are there for traveling by car during the holidays?

According to forecasts, self-driving travel will be the mainstream during the Spring Festival travel season this year, accounting for more than 60% of all travel methods.

Zhou Min said that he will continue to implement ventilation, disinfection and personal protection measures, and strengthen the rescue of sick people. The transportation department should do a good job in daily public health management, environmental cleaning and disinfection, and ventilation for places such as expressway service areas with large passenger flow, many people, and high density. No less than 2 times, and the frequency of disinfection and ventilation will be appropriately increased during the Spring Festival.

At the same time, strengthen the health monitoring and personal protection of front-line employees; strengthen the publicity of epidemic prevention, remind and guide drivers and passengers entering the service area to wear masks correctly, maintain social distance, and do good hand hygiene; establish and improve the key post rotation system, Ensure the normal operation of the service area. Open special areas in qualified service areas to provide services for drivers and passengers who are infected with the new crown virus or who are unwell.

Ten Questions: What should people who do not have “Yang” pay attention to?

Chang Zhaorui said that the crowd is generally susceptible to the new coronavirus, and some people who have not been infected cannot be ruled out that they may be affected by factors such as travel fatigue and frequent contact with people during the Spring Festival, which will increase the risk of infection.

Chang Zhaorui suggested that relevant personnel should continue to do a good job in personal protection, maintain a healthy lifestyle such as regular work and rest, reasonable diet, and moderate exercise, and implement personal protective measures such as wearing masks and washing hands frequently when going out. Those who have been infected with the new coronavirus should continue to take personal protection to prevent infection of other respiratory infectious diseases including influenza. (Reporters Zhang Quan, Wen Jinghua, Song Chen, Li Heng)

(Zhang Quan, Wen Jinghua, Song Chen, Li Heng)

[Responsible editor: Xu Dan]

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