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La Voghe surpasses the Magenta and is second

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La Voghe surpasses the Magenta and is second

CASTEGGIO. On the field of Casteggio, Voghe folds the Magenta (2-1) and climbs to second place alone, less than two from the leaders Pavia. The Rossoneri express an excellent football for 45 ‘, and go to the break 2-0, with goals from Franchini and Galimberti. In the second half, Magenta shortened with Doria, and then put pressure on the Rossoneri, who defended themselves with tenacity and even touched the third goal in various circumstances. The neutral field of Casteggio, chosen for the re-seeding work on the Parisi turf, is populated by the Rossoneri fans, crowded in the stands.

The match

La Voghe sides with the 3-4-1-2, with Andriolo as an attacking midfielder behind Bahirov and Franchini. The guests choose a 3-5-2, with Doria, ex OltreVoghe and Pavia and Mammetti in attack. Great intensity from the start. At 8 ‘Franchini, in scissoring, sends to the side. The Magenta is proposed in attack on 12 ‘, with the punishment of Pedrocchi, Allodi heads away. The Rossoneri, despite the smaller range compared to Parisi, try to maneuver, in particular with a very inspired Franchini, who is decidedly brilliant in binding the game. At 23 ‘, Franchini breaks the equilibrium with a piece of skill, with a stop on the chest and a hit on the fly that bags under the crossbar.

football – excellence

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The advantage charges the Rossoneri. At 32 ‘, Bahirov said for Andriolo, who concludes, but finds Rimbu’s answer. Another chance for Voghe in the 35th minute, with Bacaloni’s squash on Andriolo’s corner, Rabuffi rejects on the goal line. The Rossoneri’s drive does not stop. At 43 ‘, Andrini’s cross for Riceputi’s aerial attempt, which goes off to the side. At 45 ‘, Franchini serves Andriolo, who from an excellent position is stopped again by Rimbu. Voghe’s monologue produces the well-deserved doubling in the 44th minute. On Andriolo’s corner, after a first deflection by the host defense, Galimberti chooses the time very well and heads into the net.

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The race seems firmly in hand for Voghe, but in the second half, the script changes. The episode that shifts the inertia of the match arrives at 10 ‘, when Doria collects a rejected defense, and from the edge shoots quickly into the net. Magenta now believes it, and Voghe tightens the lines. At 16 ‘, thanks to a slip by Bacaloni, Doria can fly to the left and present himself to the shot, Allodi sacrifices himself and saves. The Rossoneri do not give up on the restarts. At 19 ‘, Franchini misses the size of the cross from the left and the action fades. Mister Giacomotti reinforces the embankments, with Puka entering the heart of the defense. At 25 ‘, thrills for the Rossoneri, with a torpedo from Doria, which flies over the crossbar.

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At 32 ‘, Voghe could close the accounts. Romano imbecca received, who is stopped by Rimbu on the way out, then Bahirov sends high, sensationally. At 43 ‘, another risk for Voghe. Riceputi closes with an acrobatic intervention on Sala’s cross, then the ball reaches Doria, who does not frame the mirror. At 46 ‘, De Toni defuses a poisonous conclusion from Pedrocchi. In the 5 ‘of recovery, another opportunity for Romano, served by Guerra, but the defender Rabuffi foils. The final whistle unleashes the blaze of the Rossoneri team, which goes to cheer with their fans.

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