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Rowing down, Giacomotti doesn’t worry

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Rowing down, Giacomotti doesn’t worry

“Against the Casteggio a not exciting test, but the boys were overloaded”. Tomorrow night the triangular


Casteggio’s opaque performance, in the friendly ended 0-0, did not generate particular concerns for Mr. Giacomotti.

The coach from Vogherese mainly identifies the difficulties expressed by the Rossoneri in the still not optimal athletic condition: «Saturday morning we had a very intense work session, which is why we could not have been very brilliant at Casteggio. The fact that it was not an exciting test for the whole team comforts me, in the sense that it is a problem of general and contingent condition. In any case, the Casteggio match helped us, it was a real match, which gets us used to pure competitive spirit ».

cercasi playmaker

In addition to the legs that are still quite heavy, there are also the shortcomings revealed by Voghe in the construction phase of the game. The absence of a pure playmaker in the median was felt, who knows how to trigger the attackers and give order to the maneuver. A role that, in Voghe’s plans, should belong to the 2004 Jacopo Lanzi class, but stopped by tonsillitis: «The gambling problems have been seen and are certainly linked to the lack of a real director. Let’s see if we can recover Lanzi, who has very interesting qualities, otherwise it is clear that we have to opt for a different solution. Without a good midfielder in setting, he risks exceeding with the long ball from the defense, as happened in the Casteggio match ».

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The few ideas of the midfield certainly did not help the attackers, who were poorly and poorly supplied and appeared in conditions that were still not optimal: “The forwards, like the rest of the team, have yet to find the best condition, but it is natural that this is the case for the preparation work done. There are no playing times, but I’m not worried, it’s just a matter of time ».

Help for Mr. Giacomotti’s work could come from the market. La Voghe, in fact, is thinking of strengthening the team with some additions, which could integrate the squad already in these days. The radars are aimed at the under sector, in particular the class of 2004, but other incoming transactions should not be excluded: «The company is monitoring the market carefully and something could come. Regarding the 2004 class, the blanket is a bit short. I want to applaud Sorgon, a boy from 2006, who is working hard and has a lot of room for growth ».

a farewell from the group

Meanwhile, again from a market point of view, there is an outgoing movement. The young defender Alessandro Romano, born in 2003, arrived from the city of Varese, has left the Rossoneri squad and will marry elsewhere. After the Casteggio test, Voghe will resume preparation at the Grassi di Pontecurone field this afternoon. Tomorrow (7 pm), new friendly match in the triangular road in Lungavilla, with the hosts of the First category and the Solese (Promotion). The Rossoneri’s official debut is scheduled for Saturday afternoon (5 pm) at Parisi against Luisiana, in the Italian Cup. –

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